Page 25 of Bullseye

“Figure it out before you open a fucking can of worms you can’t close.”

“What aren’t you telling me, Kitty? What don’t I already know?”

“Ask your mother,” I said before walking back into my house and shutting the door in his face.

God, this was the biggest cluster fuck ever.

There was no way to control the carnage that was headed this way. If I could stop it, I would. I didn’t know when, but I knew it was coming.

For years, the Golden Skulls lived the dark side of life. When Reaper had his father killed, things began to change for the good.

But too much blood had been spilled.

There were too many skeletons in the closet, and soon, those fuckers would come out. I didn’t know who would survive the fallout, but I was determined that my husband and brother would be one of the ones standing.

Reaper was right to assume my brain was a vault.

It was.

I knew everything about this club.

Seen it all firsthand, from the drugs and guns to the women who were trafficked, raped, and left for dead. I watched brothers kill brothers while others stood idly by and did nothing. This club wasn’t what Reaper thought it was. To many, brothers still kept their own secrets. Hell, my own dad died protecting one of those lying bastards, and nobody did shit about it. So yeah, I have every reason to hate this club and all its members. None of them know the truth. There were days I wondered if they ever wood.

Until that day happened, I was going to keep my mouth shut.


Turning, I spotted Dylan sitting on the stairs. Walking over to him, I sat down beside him and asked. “What are you doing out of bed? You heard Healer. He said a few more days to give your leg rest.”

“What did Reaper want?”

“My Aunt Ida’s liver recipe.”

Dylan chuckled. “Sorry, babe, but nobody wants that. It sucks.”

I sighed. “He wanted to see you.”

“Why didn’t you let him in?”

“For the same reason, I’m about to bust your balls if you don’t get your ass back in bed. I’m serious, Dylan. You need to rest.”

“Come with me?”

“I said rest.”

“But I’m lonely,” Dylan grinned, leaning over to kiss my neck. God help me, my husband was going to be the death of me. I loved him dearly, but the man was worse than Hailey when he wasn’t in top shape. Typical male. God help any woman who had to nurse a sick or wounded man back together.

“Back to bed with you,” Kitty said. “Fucking can come later when you don’t need assistance to the bathroom.”

“That’s just mean, woman,” Dylan groaned, getting to his feet. After helping him back to bed, I checked on Hailey then went back downstairs only to find Reaper’s mother, Caroline sitting at my kitchen table.

What the hell was it with this family?

“Fuck,” I moaned. “What is it with you, Doherty’s? You know it’s polite to knock before entering, right?”

“We need to talk.”

“We have nothing to say.”