Page 38 of Bullseye

I was about to ask Reaper what the hell he was doing when Player stumbled into the clearing, acting as if he was drunker than a skunk.

“What the hell is he doing?” I whispered as Reaper grinned. “Being the annoying asshole, we all know.”

“Yo! Where’s the pisser!” Player slurred as he stumbled right into the middle of the Vultures nest. “I gotta take a leak!”

“Get the fuck out of here, you stupid drunk.” A Vulture said, shoving Player into another Vulture, who grabbed him and threw him on the ground.

“Now, fellers, is that how you treat an inebriated man? My momma could do better than that.”

“He’s going to get himself killed,” I said, moving closer when Reaper stopped me. “Just watch. Player just looks like a pussy. He’s anything but.”

Turning back to the scene before me, I said nothing more.

“Yeah, and I’ll fuck your momma while you’ll watch.”

Player groaned. “That’s just wrong, man. Why did ya have to bring my momma into this? She ain’t a nice person. She’s kind of mean.”

“Get him the fuck out of here before Jekyll sees him.”

“Come on, asshole, there’s a real nice dumpster outback with your name on it.”

“That’s unsanitary. You know how many germs are in there. I could get a staph infection or something. I’m too pretty for that.”

“Want a bullet in the head instead?”

“Ooh! A counteroffer,” Player grinned. “My turn. How about I kick all your asses, and then you can kiss my ass.”

Several of the Vultures had circled Player and were laughing.

Actually, laughing at him.

This was bad. There had to be at least ten Vultures surrounding him. There was no way Player could take them all.

“You hear that. This drunk fucker thinks he can kick all our asses.”

“I’m bored. Let him try, Dirt.”

And that was all it took because when one of the Vultures charged Player, he forgot his acting skills and became a one-man ass-kicking machine. I’d never seen Player in a fight before. The man preferred sitting behind his computer, like Phantom, but the man had skills. Lots of skills.

The second he got his hands on the charging Vulture, Player sidestepped so quickly, the Vulture never saw it coming, as Player grabbed his head and twisted firmly, severing the spinal cord, killing the man instantly.

The laughter stopped.

Player slowly stood and grinned. “Let’s play, boys.” And that was all it took as the remaining Vultures standing around him all charged.

“Go!” Reaper shouted, running into the clearing, shooting his way through the Vultures, while I ran for the motel room.

Trusting my brothers to keep the majority of the Vultures off my back, I ran as if the hounds of hell were after me. It didn’t take me long to reach room three, and when I entered, what I saw was enough to make my stomach roll.

There she was, laying on the bed, naked and bleeding. Her body was marred with bruises and cuts, but what worried me the most was the vacant look in her eyes as she lay staring at the ceiling. Rushing over to her, I grabbed a sheet and quickly covered her.

“Layla, it’s Dylan,” I said, gathering her in my arms. “Come on sis. I’m taking you home.”

Leaving the room behind, I saw several Vultures on the ground dead. Player was still kicking ass. Reaper had his blades out and was slashing anyone who came near him. Chaos was picking off men at random, and I couldn’t see Chisel or Ink, but from the sounds coming from the back of the motel, I knew they were taking care of their own. I needed to get Layla out of here. The longer I stayed, the faster Jekyll would emerge from whatever hole he was in.

I did not want to tango with that fucker.

With Layla in my arms, I was running to the tree line when Jekyll spotted me. Ignoring the dread filling my veins, I was about to turn when my Uncle Moonshine jumped in front of me and Layla just as the Jekyll took aim and fired. What I saw next would give me nightmares for the rest of my life.