Page 39 of Bullseye

My uncle was dead.

Jekyll shot and killed him, as he was protecting me and Layla.

“RUN!” I heard Reaper shout as he continued to fight his way threw the remaining vultures. Doing as I was told, I managed to get Layla to the tree line when I saw Chisel limping with a gunshot to his legs as he half carried Ink holding his own stomach.

Fuck. They were hurt.

Sprinting to Chaos, I laid Layla down next to him. “Watch her.”

Rushing back into the madness, I had just reached Ink when I saw Jekyll walk towards Reaper.


This was bad.

Really bad.

“Can you get to the rendezvous point?”

Chisel grunted. “Yeah. Go. Reaper needs you.”

Hurrying over to Reaper, I had just made it to him when he turned, his blades out.

I don’t remember stopping.

I don’t remember feeling anything.

But I did remember hearing laughter.

Sadistic, maniacal laughter.

Slowly turning towards the sound, I saw Jekyll laughing as he started to walk away. Why was he laughing? Was he laughing at me? I didn’t understand. However, when my knees buckled, I felt someone grab me and lay me gently on the ground.

“Oh, fuck me! Dylan!” Reaper shouted orders. Some I understood, some I didn’t. “Come on, Dylan. Don’t do this to me. I can’t lose you, too. You stay with me, okay little brother. Stay awake for me. Fuck, I am so sorry. I didn’t see you.”


“I know, little brother.”

“Little Brother?” I coughed, my blood splattering across Reaper’s face.

“Yeah. Kitty let the cat out of the bag. You really do belong to me. We have the same dad. You are my little brother, Dylan. So don’t you leave me? I lost Mia. I can’t lose you too. You just stay awake. Player is getting us a ride. He’ll be here soon.”

I coughed again and tried to smile. “I guess this means I don’t have to worry about you reaping me anytime soon, huh?”

“You die on me, and you better believe I will reap your soul when we meet again in hell.”

“So bossy,” I muttered.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Reaper grinned as I heard a vehicle skid to a stop not far from us.