Page 41 of Bullseye

It wasn’t my place.

Like everything in life, I kept my mouth shut and tried to survive. Only now, as I witnessed the chaos around me, I wished I had spoken up. Too many brothers were getting hurt. And for what? Because of some misguided family values? Seeing my husband laying on that gurney, fighting for his life, I was done.

No more.

If this club thought they had a fucking problem with its past, they were all in for a world of hurt. I knew everything, and it was time to air out the laundry because I refused to lose another family member. This club was about to get rocked to its core, and I was going to throw the first rock.

“What the fuck happened?” I heard Ghost ask.

“We got ambushed. Those fucking Vultures were waiting for us. I want this club locked down tight. Bring everyone in Ghost. Everyone!”

“Where’s Moonshine,” Roxy asked, looking around. “Where’s my husband! Lee Roy!”

Reaper walked over to the woman who fits in perfectly with this club, took her hands in his. “Roxy. I’m so sorry. He jumped in front of Layla right before Jekyll pulled the trigger. There was nothing any of us could do. He died instantly. I am so sorry.”

“No,” Roxy gasped, shaking her head. “No.”

“Roxy, I know this is a lot to take in. And you have every right to grieve, but we need you now. Healer can’t do this all by himself. We all need you. Dylan and Layla need you. I need you. Please, can you please help us?” Reaper pleaded with the woman who just lost her husband.

Fuck, this was bad. Moonshine was the president of the Tennessee Chapter and Ari’s adoptive father. Ari loved him. Shaking my head, I couldn’t listen anymore. Fathers, brothers, sons…no more. Death could go fuck itself. I was done. I refused to sit back and allow one more member of my family to die.


“Judge said he’s on his way. ETA twenty minutes.”

“What the hell is he doing in the area,” Reaper asked, looking at Healer. Healer shrugged and said, “I had a hunch shit was going to go sideways, so I called him in three days ago. He’s driving in from New York.”

“Damn it,” Reaper said before Roxy shouted, “Viper get the O.R. ready, Chisel needs to go in now, or he’s going to lose this leg. Healer, can you take care of Bullseye where you are? You only have one operating room.”

“Yeah, but I’m going to need an assist. I can’t monitor him and do what needs to be done by myself.”

“I can help,” Massacre stated. “I am a certified paramedic, now.”

“Good enough,” Healer stated, then shouted, “Clear the room!”

Reaper and Ghost started ushering the brothers back upstairs when Ghost noticed me sitting against the wall, tears running down my face. Squatting before me, he placed his hands on mine. I wished I could feel them, but I couldn’t. I was numb. I was pissed, and all I wanted to do was shout at all of them. Blame them for what happened. I wanted to yell at all of them to stop this fucking madness, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. They needed to see it and experience it all for themselves. Only then would they understand the severity of this situation. “Kitty, we gotta go upstairs now.”

“I can’t leave him, Ghost. He needs me.”

“I know babe. But you have to let Healer do his job. Come help me with the boys. They could use some coffee, and you know how much we love your coffee.”

“Come on, sis,” Savage said, leaning over to pick me up. “Nuttins’ gonna happen to your old man. I told him I would kick his ass if anything did.”

“You’re such an asshole, Lucas.”

“Yeah, but you love me anyway.”

Wrapping my arms around my brothers’ neck, I held on tight to him as I watched Healer cut Dylan’s clothes from his body. Closing my eyes, I whispered, “Find Caroline, Lucas.”


“Don’t let her escape.”

“Okay, Kitty,” Savage said softly, looking around the room. I knew no one was listening. Everyone was preoccupied with worry to hear. I should be too, but I refused to sit and worry when there was work to be done. I could break down later. Now was the time to fix what that bitch broke. “Anything else I need to know?”

“Yeah, watch your back. She’s going to bring the Demons.”

“Kitty, you’re not making sense.”