Page 42 of Bullseye

“Just listen to me. Find the bitch and put a fucking bullet in her head before Reaper gets to her. Shit is about to hit the fan, Lucas. I don’t want you caught in the middle. What did dad always tell us when it came to deceit.”

“Cut the head off the snake, and the body will die.”

“Do it, Lucas, and all this ends.”

My brother nodded, saying nothing more as he placed me on one of the couches in the main room. Looking around the room, I prayed I never saw anything like this again. It was too much. So much blood had been spilled, and for what?

All because of lies and secrets.

Enough of this shit.

I was done.

No more.

Hours later, I sat rocking Hailey in my arms, thankful that she was okay. If I thought I had enough on my plate already, fate had other ideas when Ghost noticed that Ari was missing only to find out that Malachi had broken out of the shed. Now, as it was, Shadow was down in the clinic with a knife in his chest along with Ari. Apparently, I had misjudged the innocent girl. Ari was a Skull, that was for sure, as only a woman with gold running through her veins could empty a .45 into the fucker who tried to rape her. Oh yeah, I totally miscalculated that one. Ari was going to be just fine in this club. She was a survivor.

No one really said anything as we all waited for word on the men in the clinic. They were my family. My brothers. I’d been raised around most of them, and those who came later, I came to love. God, we were all one big dysfunctional family, but we worked.


Looking up, I spotted Healer. Not moving, I refused to say anything. He looked like shit. If he was here to tell me that my husband was dead, I wasn’t moving. Cause if I did, I wasn’t going to be responsible for the carnage I dished out. Nope. Instead, I held Hailey tighter to me and prayed for strength.

Healer sighed and knelt before me, his hands rugging my legs. I couldn’t look at him.

I saw Dylan on that table.

I didn’t need a replay to know it was bad.

“Just tell me.”

“He’s alive.”

“Will he live?”

“The next twenty-four hours are going to be the worst. If he can make it past that, then he will be out of the woods.”

“Woods?” I chuckled, looking at the man who spent the last several hours working tirelessly to save Dylan. Instead of being grateful, I was utterly pissed off. “Are you fucking kidding me? What woods? There are always woods. They are never clear. When one breaks through the clearing, there is always someone to shove them back in. How can you say that shit to me? He was fucking sliced and diced like a fucking steak! So, what? You fix him up, get him well so he can go back out there and get shot or stabbed again? Why? Why the fuck do you do this?”

“Kitty,” Lucas said, coming over to me.

“No, Lucas,” I ranted. I was done being quiet. I was done keeping my secrets. Reaper wanted to know what I know. Well, I hope he is fucking ready because he’s about to get a fucking ear full. “All of you are so fucking stupid! You go about your days thinking you are in this amazing fucking brotherhood. That each of you will always have each other’s backs. But one wrong step, one wrong decision, and you all turn on each other.”

“Enough Kitty,” Reaper said, getting to his feet.

“No. It’s never going to be enough. I warned you, Reaper. You stood on my porch, and I warned you. I told you this shit was going to happen, and you didn’t listen. You did what you wanted, you always do, and now my husband is fighting for his life. Why? Because of some misguided guilt, because one woman couldn’t keep her fucking legs closed. I’ve had it. I’m not doing this shit anymore. I told you to be careful, but you did what you wanted. You always do. Now the can of worms is open. Do you have any clue what you’ve brought down on this club? I told you to be careful.”

Remi walked over to me and carefully took Hailey from my arms. I didn’t want to let go of my daughter but seeing the anger in all the eyes before me, I knew it was best.

“I’ll take care of her while you go see Bullseye.”

The second my arms were free, all the pent-up anger, frustration, and fury I’d been feeling was freed as I walked over to Reaper and punched him square in the face, knocking him on his ass. Brothers quickly stood as Lucas quickly grabbed me from behind. “You fucking piece of shit! I’m going to kill you!”

“Get her out of here!” Reaper shouted as he got to his feet.

I didn’t give a damn if I just poked the bear.

The fucker never listened to anyone.

He may have started this shit, but I was going to finish it.