Page 51 of Bullseye

“None of that matters, Katherine. You’ve always been Shane’s little girl. You always will be.”

“I know that, but they’re going to want to know who my biological father is. I don’t want them to have that information.”

“It won’t change anything, Kitty. You have to know that.”

“I do, but I still don’t want anyone to know.”

“Telling only half the story isn’t going to solve anything. For years, I listened to you complain about all the lies and deception that runs rapid in this club, and now given a chance to come clean, to air out all the dirty laundry, you’re not going, to tell the truth?”

“I just need some time.”

“Well, from what I can see, you may not have much time left. The truth is coming out fast. Soon, everyone will know everything. Best rip that band-aid off, Katherine. The faster the truth is out there, the quicker this club can heal and move on because trust me. This secret shit is for the birds. This club needs to get its head on straight for what’s coming, and you already know what that is. Sooner or later, it’s going to come out. Best from you.”

Judge said nothing more as I watched him leave me alone with Dylan. The second the door closed, I let out a deep breath and lowered my head to the bed.

I was so tired.

Of everything.

I just wanted a few minutes of peace and quiet.

I deserved that, at least with everything going on.

Squeezing my husbands’ hand, I wished he was awake.

I needed someone to talk to.

Someone who understood, who wouldn’t judge me.

I wasn’t like the other women in the club. I never was. I never really fit. I had to make my own way, which caused everyone to stay the hell away from me. It wasn’t easy being the big bitch of the Golden Skulls. It took effort, and most times, it was draining. I hated being the ballbuster, the one person everyone feared besides Reaper.

That was me.

Not really, though.

It was all an act.

Something I perfected over the years, homed in the fiery pits of the hell I lived in. Now, everyone generally left me alone until they wanted something. But even then, they thought twice before asking me.

Growing up, I wasn’t a typical little girl. I didn’t wear little pink dresses and played with dolls. I didn’t wear make-up and go to the mall. Instead, I hung around the clubhouse, watching the men as I accumulated knowledge. I learned what I could, listened when others didn’t, and saw things that no child should ever have to see. Yet through it all, I actually had a decent childhood. As I grew older, I quickly learned that everything came with a price. And the biggest lesson was, with knowledge comes power. Those who had it reveled in it, and those who didn’t would do anything to get it.

I wondered what Reaper would do when he learned how the club got the start-up money for the land the clubhouse sat on. Would he demolish it and sell it immediately, or would he turn a blind eye? Only time would tell. In the meantime, I had other things to worry about. Like would my husband ever forgive me for what I was about to do?

When we started down this road, we both knew what we were getting into. Well, Dylan didn’t, but I did. I may have left out a few things, but Dylan didn’t need to know about any of that yet. I knew eventually I would tell him. It was only fitting, but I thought I would have more time. We had planned for every contingency. And so far, everything was working like clockwork. Caroline may have been playing a long game, but it’s always better to have a backup with any game.

Getting up, I leaned over and kissed his lips. “I love you, Dylan. Always remember that. Forgive me for what I am about to do.”

Leaving Bullseye, I left the clubhouse.

There was no one here to help me with what I was about to do.

I wasn’t ready to tell everyone.

Before I even contemplated that, I needed the files.

The ones Pop’s had.

The ones that would save all of us.