Page 52 of Bullseye



Holy fuck, what the hell happened to me? My whole body ached. There wasn’t a part of my body that didn’t scream out. The worst of it was my stomach, and that’s when I remembered.


I tried opening my eyes, but even that was excruciating. Instead, I tried to control my breathing because if my stomach moved more than it had to, I was sure I was going to blackout again.

“Has Savage returned?”

“No, and he won’t until he’s found her.”

“I don’t know, but we need to find them fast because if Bullseye wakes up and finds out we misplaced his wife and kid, he’s gonna lose it.”

And that was all it took to make me forget about my own problems. Opening my eyes, I spotted Reaper, Ghost, Viper, and Chaos huddled together at the foot of my bed.

Moaning, I was about to say something when my brothers surrounded my bed.

“Bullseye!” Reaper shouted, leaning over me. I was thankful, too, because I was positive, I wouldn’t be able to move to see him. “How are you doing, brother?”

“Feel like minced meat.”

Chaos grinned, “That’s because you were, man.”

“Someone go get Healer,” Reaper ordered.

“How long have I been out?”

“Two weeks. Healer kept you sedated so you could heal,” Reaper informed him.

I could hear footsteps from above, then a door slamming open as someone barreled down the stairs.

“Fuck man, it is good to see you awake,” Healer said, pushing Ghost out of the way. “How do you feel?”

“Like shit. I hurt.”

“Well, someone did filet your ass.”

I looked at Reaper, narrowed my eyes, and grinned, “Yeah. Wonder who that was?”

Reaper scowled, “Are you going to hold that over my head for the rest of my life?”

I smiled.

“Wait a minute,” Healer said, turning to Reaper. “You did this?”

“It was an accident. He was behind me. When I turned, my sword got him.”

“You could have killed him.”

“He’s fine. Look, he’s still breathing.”

“Barely,” I muttered, and Reaper sighed, rolling his eyes. “Can I get some water?”

Reaper grabbed a water bottle out of the small fridge Healer kept downstairs and handed it to me. Seeing the cap was still on it, I said, “Would help if you took the cap off.”

“Want me to drink it for you too?” Reaper said, yanking the bottle away and removing the cap.