Page 53 of Bullseye

“Naw, don’t want your backwash.”

“Look, Bullseye,” Reaper sighed. “I’ve got to tell you something, but I don’t want you to freak out, okay. Healer says you need to stay in bed and rest.”

“Uh-huh,” I replied, never taking my eyes off him. I had a gut feeling about what he was going to say. I wasn’t ready to believe it yet, but with all the shit going on in the club, it was the only thing that made sense. “It’s Kitty. She’s gone, right?”

“We’re looking for her.”


Reaper shook his head. “No clue. We know Hailey isn’t with her, and Kitty’s mom is gone too. We will find them soon. I give you my word.”

“How long have they been gone?”

“Two weeks.”

Sighing, I knew there was only one thing in the world that would make my wife leave and hide Hailey. My wife was devious. She planned for everything. If Kitty was, in fact, gone and Hailey was hidden, then shit hit the fan.

The time had come.

Kitty was right.

She always was.

There was only one thing to do now.

Kitty had set everything up for this exact purpose. My wife knew what could happen. She was smart. More brilliant than all of us. I needed to get to my bag. The one I kept at the ready in our bedroom closet. It had everything I was going to need in there to find her and help her.

She prepared it.

She knew what I would need.

Fuck. Talk about the worst time to be laid up.

Looking over at Viper, I asked, “Could you go to my house. In the master bedroom closet, you’ll find my old camo bag with a black master lock on it. I need it. Also, I need you to rip the mantle off the fireplace. You will see a lockbox. I need that too. Then go to the garage. On my workbench, you will see several glass jars. I need the seventh jar.”

“Okay, man,” Viper whispered, looking at Reaper. When Reaper nodded, Viper left.

I knew none of them knew what was going on, but they would soon. I just needed all that stuff so I could explain everything.

Kitty was right about so many things.

She was sure this day would come.

She wanted me prepared for when it did.

Everything had been planned for years.

Now it was time to execute.

There would be casualties. There always was when war was started. Only this time, I wasn’t going to start a war. I was going to finish it. But I just needed all the information first.

“You know what’s going on, don’t you?” Reaper asked, stepping closer.

“Not all of it. Kitty was clear when she planned all this. She told me only what I needed to know. She said it was better that way. She may be my wife Reaper, but she has always been a Golden Skull to the core. She didn’t want me to know everything. According to her, there were some secrets I didn’t need to know until the time was right.”

“What do you know?” Ghost asked.

“Not a lot. Kitty planned for everything. She kept talking about contingency plans upon plans. I know she doesn’t trust anyone but Savage and me. I’m sorry, man, but she said you were not to be trusted until you knew everything. She said there were things you needed to accept. Until you did, your actions could cause more harm than good.”