Page 54 of Bullseye

“Did she say what those things were?” Ghost asked.

“No. She kept everything close to the vest. Look, man, what I can tell you is that whatever she has planned isn’t good. She’s going to need help. My wife may be a ballbuster, but she can’t handle this all on her own.”

“How can we help her if we don’t know anything?” Reaper sighed.

“I need those items. She set all this up for this exact event. My bag, the lockbox, and the jar. She made sure when the time came, I was to grab those three things. I am hoping that the information we need is in there. If not, we’re screwed.”

“Fuck,” Reaper roared. “This shit is really pissing me off.”

“Kitty was explicit Reaper. She knew this was going to happen. I was only to get those items when Hailey disappeared.”

“Do you know where Hailey is at?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “Kitty said it would be best if no one knew her whereabouts. That way, no one could get the information from any of us.”

“None of us would ever harm that baby!”

“I know that. So does Kitty, but with what I think we're about to do, I agree with Kitty on this one. Hailey is safe wherever she is at, Reaper. Just believe that, and if I’m right, you and Ghost might want to hide your women too. Have someone you trust to take them away from here. Someplace that neither of you knows about. Shit is about to get bad here. Really fucking bad.”

“Since Bullseye can’t leave this bed, we’re having church down here when Viper gets back. Ghost, round up the officers, only.”

I didn’t say anything else. Even when Reaper kept asking me questions. I wanted to answer him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know what to say. Hell, I barely knew what the fuck was going on. Only Kitty knew, and she’d been so guarded with what she told me, that none of it made any sense.

I knew the club had been going in a downward spiral for the last couple of years, and even more so when Reaper found Remi.

I just didn’t know what to do.

I needed a direction.

Kitty had been playing a long game. She thought of everything. I just hoped that now that things were in play, she let me in on the big secret.

“How’s Layla?” I asked, needing a distraction until Viper got back from my house.

“She’s healing. Player stays with her most of the time. She still hasn’t said much,” Healer offered when Reaper stayed quiet.

“Aunt Roxy?”

“She went home last week with the Tennessee Chapter. Remi and Ari went with her. They took Becca too. Said she needed to take care of some things there and needed the girls' help. They’ll be back in a few days,” Ghost muttered angrily.

“Reaper, you doing okay over there?”

“No. I don’t like having my woman away. I don’t like not knowing what’s going on in my own fucking club. My demon is screaming at me right now. I know something big is going on, but I don’t know what. I hate that Kitty took off without giving us anything. You married a real piece of work, brother. If she wasn’t my niece’s mom, I would strangle her. Almost did too a few weeks ago.”

I grinned at that. “Yeah, I’ve wanted to do that many times.”

“She needs her ass whipped.”

I laughed as I heard several footsteps coming closer. When brother after brother descended the steps, I tried to hide my elation at seeing them again. I wasn’t sure when Reaper accidentally slashed me with his sword that I would.

Before anyone could say anything, Reaper ordered everyone to find a seat and shut up as Viper walked down the steps with everything I asked for.

“Okay, Bullseye. You are going to need to repair your fireplace. That fucking piece of wood was really on there, but here is everything. What do you want me to do with it?”

“The lockbox first. Kitty said to open the lockbox first.”

“I need the key.”

“Fuck the key, just rip the fucking thing open!” Reaper shouted.