Page 60 of Bullseye

Gathering my things, I quickly threw some clothes into my backpack. After grabbing and securing my laptop, I started loading all my weapons into another bag. Placing my favorite knife in my boot, I reached for my gun and hid it behind my back.


Moving quickly to her side, I sat down on the bed next to her. Carefully moving her hair away from her face, I whispered, “Hey there, pretty girl. How was your nap?”

“Good,” she yawned. “I’m hungry.”

“Well, let me see what I can do about that. But first, we need to get going. We’re going on a trip.”

“We are?”

“Yep. You, me, and my brother Dwayne.”

“I don’t want anyone else.”

“Layla. Dwayne is my biological brother. Not just a club brother. I asked him to come with us. You can trust him like you trust me. I give you my word.”

“Okay,” She whispered.

“Now, come on, sleepyhead. Let’s get you dressed. We gotta leave as soon as Dwayne gets the vehicle ready.”

Within the hour, we were driving down the interstate heading for San Francisco. Looking at the clock, I knew we would be there within the next hour. Dwayne was driving, and though he seemed comfortable behind the wheel, I knew he was dreading getting on that plane.

I didn’t have any other options.

This was the only way.

Checking behind me, I saw that Layla had fallen asleep again. She did that a lot. I think the longest she ever stayed awake was two hours before her body finally gave out and needed rest again.

Medically, she was fine. All her bruises and injuries had healed, but it was the psychological mind-fuck she ensured that she had problems with. Whatever happened to her in her time away, seriously fucked with her head.

Part of me worried I was taking her from one nightmare to another, but with the shit going on in the club and my brothers gearing up for war, I agreed with Reaper that hiding her away somewhere safe was the best option for her.

“For the record,” Massacre said, getting my attention. “This plan sucks, and I am against it.”

“Noted,” I grinned as the SUV ate up the miles to the city.

“Are you sure about this? We can just keep driving. Hell, we can make a road trip out of it. You remember all those family trips dad took us on. We loved them.”

“No, we hated them.”

“Bet I would love them now,” my brother sulked.

God give me strength. It was one thing to look after and take care of Layla, who actually needed me. Her protection was my top priority now. She was mine to protect. But having to deal with my grumpy ass brother was something altogether different. I got that he didn’t like the plan. I wasn’t sold on it either. But I didn’t hear him coming up with anything plausible. The fact was going home to Chicago was the only thing that made sense. Was I scared of what our family might do to us when we got there? Hell yes! But I also know that none of the family members would ever do anything in front of Layla. While there, she would be an honored guest and treated as such. She would be pampered and waited on hand and foot. If she wanted anything, the family would move heaven and earth to get it for her. It was just me and Dwayne that would see dirt before we received any of their kindness.

Before I knew it, Dwayne turned off the interstate taking the exit that led directly to the airport. Looking back behind me again, I said nothing as Layla was fast asleep.

God, what the hell happened to her?

Turning back around, Dwayne took a left. The road leading away from the commercial planes. Before I knew it, the SUV stopped, and Dwayne exited the vehicle. His muttering was more constant now as he opened the back hatch and started gathering bags. Getting out myself, I opened the back door. Not bothering to wake her, I gathered Layla in my arms and headed for the leer jet that sat on the tarmac before me.

Walking towards the steps, I was greeted by two members of the family. Two cousins I’ve known since birth. Hell, I helped carry one of them home after he broke his damn arm. But did he acknowledge me? Nope. Neither one said a damn word to me.

Not even a nod.

They both just looked ahead as if I was not even there.

Climbing the steps, I entered the cabin to see the bane of my existence sitting in one of the plush leather chairs drinking a glass of brandy.