Page 61 of Bullseye

He hadn’t changed one bit since I last saw him. Still larger than life itself and the most significant pain in my ass since my birth.



“Where is Dwayne?”

“Getting the bags.”

Gio nodded. “And who is the beautiful woman in your arms?”

“None of your business.”

Gio grinned wickedly, and I cringed. Yeah, many things on earth scared me, like spiders. I hated spiders. Reaper’s wrath and Gio’s grin. I always wondered what he thought when he grinned like that. Did he imagine different ways to make me cry? Was he planning my demise? Was he just laughing? Hell, if I knew the answer to any of those questions. All I knew when Gio grinned like that, I wanted to run.

“That wasn’t very polite, cousin. Now before I lose my temper, I’ll ask you again. Her name?”

Answering quickly, I said. “Layla. Her name is Layla.”

“Thank you.”

“Holy fuck, Reggie,” my brother groaned as he walked up behind me. “What the fuck did you pack?”

“And there is that mouth I’ve missed.”

Dwayne froze. My brother dropped all the bags, and before I could say or do anything, my brother had his gun out and pointed at our cousin. “Blink bitch. Do it. Give me a reason to fucking kill you.”

Gio sighed, then slowly put his glass down on the small table next to him before he said. “Hello, Dwayne.”


God help me.

I was going to die before the plane ever took off.