Page 66 of Bullseye



It had been a week days since we read Kitty’s letter. I wanted to leave then and there, but Healer refused to let me go until he was sure my sutures wouldn’t open. It took him, Reaper, and Ghost to keep me from leaving. I didn’t give a shit about myself. I needed to get to my wife. She was out there all alone, waiting for me.

I didn’t know if she was hurt or worse. I needed to see her for myself. The club was in total chaos since the reading of that letter. Brothers with families disappeared overnight. Those who stayed never left the compound, waiting for a target. Everyone was itching to kill someone. Yet the one person they wanted dead was nowhere to be found.

No one knew where Caroline Doherty was at.

I was rechecking my bag when Reaper walked into my room along with Ghost. “Are you sure about this Bullseye? You’re still healing. You can’t do this by yourself.”

“I have to go to her. She is going to need my help.”

“I get that, but don’t you think you should wait to hear from her?”

“No. She has a plan. I have to trust she knows what she’s doing. She’s a smart, woman Reaper. You know that. She would have thought of everything.”

“Yeah, I get that.”

Ghost added, “Your team is packed and ready. Are you sure you don’t want to take anyone else?”

“No. Kitty was specific. I just need Savage, Smoke, and Jake.”

“Why the prospect, though? I don’t get her reasoning.”

“I know you trust your wife’s plan, Bullseye, but I don’t like sending four of my brothers off to fight God knows what,” Reaper said, then added. “I get that finding my mother is paramount, but if you ask me, finding Kitty’s biological brother is more important. If we can get to him before my bitch of a mother does, we secure the club. Without him, this club will stay divided.”

“I agree,” Ghost nodded. “I say we help Kitty find her brother, get him to a secure location, and then all of us go after Caroline together.”

I knew what they were saying made sense.

Hell, it made perfect sense.

“Look at it this way, Bullseye,” Ghost said. “Plans deviate all the time. With what we know now, and trust me when I say this, shit is starting to get clear fast, having the whole club supporting you and Kitty ensures that whatever she needs to do gets done.”

“And just who do you suggest we take Ghost? Because from what I remember, there is a list with many names that specifically point out which brothers are loyal to Caroline. Hell man, two of those fuckers are upstairs right now. I’m sorry, brother, but I think we stick with Kitty’s plan.”

Reaper grinned, “Actually, no, they’re not. Those two fuckers have been in the shed for a week now. Shadow’s been playing with them.”

I nodded.

I knew those two men. Partied with them. Fought with them. Bled for them. It was a hard pill to swallow, knowing they’ve been working for Caroline all along, trying to bring down the club.

“Reaper,” Vicious shouted from the common room. “We got a visitor!”

“What the fuck now,” Reaper groaned, leaving my room, Ghost following. Zipping up my bag, I grabbed it and headed downstairs. The quicker I was on the road, the faster I would get to Kitty. That was my only concern. My sole objective at the moment. I knew Reaper and Ghost believed I shouldn’t go alone, but I wasn’t. I was taking three other brothers with me. I wasn’t alone.

Placing my bag by the bar, I heard Reaper shout, “Bullseye, out here. Now.”

Fuck, what now?

“Yeah,” I said, coming up behind him to see a tall, lanky man standing there. “Who the hell are you?”

“Bullseye, meet Acid,” Reaper said gruffly, his arms crossed over his chest. “He’s a cleaner. One used by my pops back in the day. Isn’t that right, Acid.”

“I only do contract work now. I cater to anyone for the right price. However, I still repay my debts, which is why I’m here. I have a delivery for you. I would have been here sooner, but my refrigeration unit broke. Needed to get it fixed.”
