Page 67 of Bullseye

I said nothing as the man walked over to a large black van and opened the back doors. He reached in yanking on something when the wheels of a gurney came into view.

My heart started racing.

No. It wasn’t her. It couldn’t be.

I wouldn’t believe it.

Pushing past Reaper and the other brothers, I reached the man and shoved him out of my way as I looked at the black bag laying on the gurney.”

“How,” I barely uttered.

“Neck cut.” The man said. “Was told to deliver him to the main compound.”


“Yeah. It’s Nitro. Kitty said to deliver him in one piece. She was rather insistent too. The other woman asked me to give you this,” Acid said, handing Reaper a folded piece of paper.

Looking at Reaper, I said nothing as he read its contents. When his eyes collided with mine, I knew something was wrong.

“It’s from Phantom. Whatever it is, it’s in some kind of code I’ve never seen before. I don’t know what it means. Do you?” Reaper said, handing me the paper. Yet when I looked at the numbers and dashes, they made no sense to me. Shaking my head, I handed it back and said, “No.”

“Let me see, Mr. Reaper,” Sypher asked, holding out his hand. I nodded, and Reaper handed it over to the kid.

Sypher grinned. “It’s binary. 1’s and 0’s. She is telling us not to use the emergency code. It’s been hacked.”

“Fuck!” Reaper shouted. “How the fuck are we supposed to stay in contact then?”

“Mr. Reaper,” Sypher whispered shyly. “I can set up a new code really fast. One that would allow you to talk without anyone listening in. I just need an hour or so.”

“Get to it, Sypher,” Reaper ordered as the kid ran back inside the clubhouse to do his thing. “Judge, Healer, take Nitro’s body downstairs. I want a full autopsy done. I want to know how he died, with what and anything else you can find. Bullseye, plans have changed. We are all going with you. I don’t care about Kitty’s plan anymore. I’m done burying my brothers. Ghost and Bullseye, follow me. Shadow is done playing around. I want those fuckers killed and burned within the next hour. This shit ends, now!”

I said nothing as Reaper stormed back into the clubhouse. It was then that Acid walked over to me and said, “She’s alive. I saw her myself.”



Nodding, I shook the man’s hand and ran into the clubhouse, rushing to catch up with Ghost and Reaper, who were heading towards the shed.

Entering the small cement box, the smell hit me fast. It was rancid. The metallic smell of blood didn’t bother me much, but the pungent smell of urine hit me like a freight train, almost knocking me on my ass. “Holy fuck. We seriously need to put windows in this place,” I said, coughing.

“Shadow!” Reaper shouted, marching towards Chains, gun drawn. Before anyone could say anything, Reaper put a bullet between Chains eyes, killing him instantly. “Playtime’s over.”

Turning his gun towards the other man, Reaper placed his gun at the man’s temple and sneered, “You’ve got a lot of balls, you traitorous fuck. I trusted you with the most important thing in my life, and you stabbed me in the back. Where the fuck is my mother?”

Shamrock coughed, “I don’t know, man. I don’t know.”

“Liar!” Reaper shouted, shooting Sham in the foot.

Shamrock screamed out. Reaper grabbed his face and jerked it towards him. “What do you know?”

“Nothing. I swear! She just used me to pass messages along,” Shamrock coughed, spewing blood from his mouth. “She told me if I said anything, she would kill my mom, man. My mom is in a nursing home. She’s dying. I couldn’t let her kill my mom. She’s all I have left.”

“How would you get the messages?”

“When Remi and I would go visit her, she would hand me a letter right before we left. I was to put the letter in the hands of Brian Conners.”

“Brian Conners, the Police Chief?”