Page 68 of Bullseye

“Yes!” Shamrock screamed as Reaper stepped on his wounded foot.

“What else?”

“That’s it, man, I swear. I swear!”

Reaper leaned close and whispered, “I trusted you with my woman. My ol’Lady. My unborn child. She loved you, Sham. You were her best friend. But I can’t have a traitor protecting my woman and kid.”

“My mom?”

“Not my concern.” Reaper aimed his gun at Shamrock's head and pulled the trigger, sending brain matter splashing against the back wall.

Turning towards us, Reaper looked at Shadow. “Burn the bodies. Make sure Shamrock’s mom needs nothing. Ghost, get the boys ready to ride. We have an appointment with the Police Chief.”

I had seen Reaper’s demon many times, but not like this. When it came to his woman, all bets were off. When his demon reared its ugly head, all of us knew to get out of the way. His demon craved blood, and I knew before this night was over, blood would run like a river.

The remaining brothers were ready to roll within the hour when Sypher walked out of his small room, carrying two baskets, one with several phones in it. “Okay, Mr. Reaper, I’m done. Everyone place your old phones in this basket and take a new one. These encrypted phones will allow you to talk to anyone. They are untraceable and unhackable.”

Looking at my new phone, I asked, “Can I call anyone?”

“Yes, Mr. Bullseye. It doesn’t matter if the receiving phone isn’t secured. The second the receiver connects the call, it automatically secures the line. Mr. Reaper, I’ve hacked into Ms. Phantom’s laptop again and sent her a message letting her know the phones are secure again. She wasn’t too happy about that. She’s waiting for your call.”

“Good job Sypher.”

The young man blushed.

“Reaper?” I looked at the new phone in my hand, then up at the man, not saying anything more.

“Two minutes, and then we leave.”

Rushing from the common room, I headed towards Church and closed the door behind me. Dialing her number, I anxiously waited for her to pick up the phone. When she did, my body sagged against the door. “Kitty?”


“It’s me, baby.”


“Sypher. He did something to the phones. We can talk freely.”

“Oh, God, Dylan. I’m so sorry. For everything.”

“I don’t care about that baby. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m safe. Phantom and Gadget are with me.”


“She’s safe. I made sure of it.”

“Look, baby. I don’t have long here. Reapers on a rampage. He’s already killed Chains and Shamrock. Sham gave us a name. We’re heading out to meet him next. I promise to get to you as soon as I can.”

“Be careful, Dylan, and stick to the plan. I’ll be leaving soon myself. I have a lead on my brother.”

“I love you, Kitty.”

“I love you too.”

With that, I ended the call.