Page 38 of Reaper

“Good,” I said, walking over to the counter and sliding her a few hundred dollars.

“Max,” she whispered, pocketing the money. “You don’t need to keep doing that.”

“Yeah, I do. I’m serious, Patty. Anything, anything you call and do me a favor, keep the boys contained to the yard. I know they like riding their bikes up and down the road, but for the time being, keep them in the backyard, okay. If they want to ride, call me, and I’ll get one of the prospects to wave you in. The boys can come to ride with us out on the farm.”

“Should I be worried?”

“Nope. Just being cautious.”

“Okay. I’ll have your food out to ya soon.”

Moving past the counter, I took a seat across from Brian.



“How are the kids’ Bullseye dropped off?”

“Getting better. Their parents were notified. They flew in this morning. Those kids were a long way from home. Should I ask about the asshole who took them?”


“Max,” Brian groaned, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, man, we go way back. My dad went to school with your Pops. Played for the same damn team in High school. We grew up next door to each other. Best friends, till high school. Then nothing. Tell me what’s going on. I’ve seen the heightened security out at your place. I’ve seen your boys around town more, helping everyone, making sure everyone is getting home safe, and don’t get me started on the two men you have at each of the schools, watching. Something is going on. I can’t help if you don’t talk.”

“Just making sure my town stays safe and those in it are safe.”

“Bullshit. It’s more than that.”

Patty chose that moment to walk over with my plate of food. It looked delicious. Smiling up at her, I nodded my thanks before she left. When she was out of earshot, I asked, “We’re you able to find the information I asked for?”

“Yeah,” he said, sliding a brown folder across the table at me. Opening it up, I scanned the documents as Brian talked.

“Her biological parents, Benjamin and Diana Greyson were high school sweethearts. Married after graduation. The dad worked construction while putting his wife through college. The mom got a degree in accounting. They gave birth to a daughter one year after they were married. She was kidnapped two days later. Let me rephrase. She was stolen right out of the hospital and sold. She was later adopted illegally, bought like cattle from Holy Mary’s Orphanage in San Diego. I called a friend of mine down there, and he found her biological parents. When she was born, her parents had the good sense to clip a locket of hair from her head. So, when she went missing, the FBI, State, and Local police had her DNA. She was kidnapped right out of the hospital, man. When my friend investigated the orphanage further, he was shut out. He found nothing else. As for her biological parents, they were killed last year in a fire. She has two siblings, a sister who is fifteen and a brother who is eight. They are in the foster care system now. I’m trying to locate them. There are no relatives, so if she wants her brother and sister, she needs to come in and fill out some forms. I have all the DNA proof, so there shouldn’t be a problem transferring custody to her. Do you know if she would want them?”

Was he even kidding? Those kids were my family or would be eventually. Remi was the kindest, sweetest woman on the fucking planet. There was no way in hell she would leave her siblings to the foster care system. I didn’t even need to ask her. I knew what she would say. “Yea. Start the paperwork. I’ll bring her to town tomorrow to sign whatever you need. Anything else?”

“Yes. The orphanage is a front Max. My friend did some of the books snooping and what he discovered made him sick. They are beating and selling kids Max. Those who are sold are shipped overseas.”

“I bet he saw more than that,” I replied, closing the file.

“Yes, he did, and I won't repeat what he saw, but my gut is telling me you already know what he witnessed.”


“When you take those fuckers down, I want in Max. I look away most of the time when you guys do shit. But this…I won’t stand for it. I can’t. I’ve got Beth and Katie. If something ever happened to them, I’d kill someone. So, I want in when you go.”

“Still got your sled?”

“Haven’t ridden since my girls were born. May need to bring it to the shop and let Chaos look at it.”

“Bring it soon, Brian.” With that, I stood, taking the folder with me.

“Reaper? Give me something, man. I can feel something coming, and it isn’t good.”

“Come by tomorrow around noon to have Healer check out that feeling. Keep your girls close, Brian. Call me if you find anything else out.”

Not waiting for Brian to question what I said, I left.