Page 87 of Reaper

It was weak. I knew it was. Just because the plane Bullseye and Chaos saw was parked on that runway didn’t mean this mega-rich asshole was conspiring with Reynolds. And just because Ink said Remi had a reaction to a commercial wasn’t enough. The fact was, I needed to know what Remi knew. She saw and heard things. Things I know she would never forget as long as she lived. Those instances were seared into her mind forever.

Shaking my head, I replied. “Not enough. We need more.”

“Boss, that’s the plane,” Chaos said, making his voice heard.

“I know, and I believe you, but I’m not going after someone who may or may not have anything to do with Reynolds without proof. That’s what got my Pop’s in trouble and how we all got into this mess. We believed people without finding out the facts. I promised myself no more—facts before Fights. Find me the facts, and we go. In the meantime, how are were doing with the gates?”

Chaos sighed. “Bullseye and I have about eighty percent of them done. The cameras are in, and the building of the panic room downstairs is almost complete. We should have everything finished by the end of the week.”

“Anything else?”

When nobody said a word, I nodded to Ghost, who got up and left the room. “Phantom has been coming to our aid, helping Player, and recently she has become an integral part of this club. Her intel is solid, and she works tirelessly to find victims and their captors. She’s tough, smart, and a pain in my ass who has no problem calling me on my shit. She’s ballsy, and I like that. This club needs more people like her that aren’t afraid to fight. It’s time for a new chapter for this club, with new blood. Therefore, I’m paving a new path. All in favor of making Phantom a Golden Skull sister say aye.”

The room boisterously cheered yes as Ghost walked in with her new cut. Getting up, I walked over to her as Ghost handed me her new cut and said, “What do you say, Phantom? Want a bunch of brothers who will be all up in your business, never leave you alone, protect you as if you are their blood, and would happily die doing it?”

“Does that mean you are really going to start bossing me around?”

I grinned and nodded.

“Great,” she sighed, then snarled. “I’m still going to call you on your shit, you know. Just because you’re the President and I’m a woman doesn’t mean I will take crap from anyone.”

“I know,” I said, holding out the cut Ghost had made for her. Phantom looked at it and smiled as she turned around, and I helped her into the fine leather cut. It was a thing of beauty too. The Golden Skulls emblem hand-stitched on the back. Her name was stitched in gold over the right front pocket.

The room erupted as brothers each took their turn picking Phantom up and hugging her as she laughed and joked with them.

It was strange seeing a woman with our patch on her back. Yet, it felt right, like I was making progress. But looking past my brothers, I knew there was one place I hadn’t, and that was going to change tonight.

The clubhouse was rowdy as brothers, and cut sluts drank and celebrated the first female club member. It had been too long since we all cut loose and had some fun. We all needed this, and I was happy to oblige. I even joined the festivities for a bit, though the cut-sluts knew to stay the fuck away from me. My mom had taken Sunny and Jax back to her place for the night, knowing we were going to be celebrating. As for Patty and her boys, she took off for the weekend to visit her parents down in San Francisco. The only other soul in the house was Remi, and she was currently upstairs in bed, retreating deeper and deeper into her mind. I was losing her all over again.

Making my way upstairs, I ignored the men and women who were openly fucking as if they had no concern. I couldn’t remember the last time I touched Remi like that. I missed her. I knew she needed time, and I had been patient, but it had been almost six weeks since she returned, and I was getting angry. More at myself because every time I saw her, I wanted to shake her back into reality, to plunge deep within her to remind her who she belonged to.

I was giving her time, though time seemed to drag on.

I found her lying on her side, looking out towards the ocean. She’d been in that position when I left hours ago and looking at her now, I knew she hadn’t moved. I spotted the tray of food that was left uneaten and sighed. She was pregnant and needed to eat to get stronger. I knew Healer made damn sure she took her vitamins, but if she didn’t start eating soon, he was going to put the feeding tube back in.

Something had to give.

I couldn’t take it anymore.

Slamming the door behind me, she never moved.

I removed my clothes and climbed into bed next to her, pulling her close to me. “Baby, you need to come back to me. I can’t handle you like this anymore. I’ve tried to be patient, but this is gone on long enough.”


Grabbing her face, I turned her towards me. “I mean it, Remi. Stop this shit and come back to me.” She just turned away from me, saying nothing.

Flopping back on the bed, I looked at the ceiling as my hand reached for my cock. I was stiff, and I desperately needed release. Ilay there gently stroking my hard cock as I pictured Remi laying over me, kissing me as she used to. A contented sigh broke from my lips as I thought about our time in the kitchen together when I couldn’t control my need for her. How I turned and sat on the chair as she faced me.

God, she was insatiable. Wanton, totally eager to me.

When she moved forward to straddle my legs. My cock was harder and stiffer than I could remember. She kneeled over me, lowering herself onto my throbbing dick.

Her slick wetness and wide-open lips drew me in entirely in one movement. She uttered a long sigh of contentment and briefly held her position.

I groaned, remembering that feeling as I stroked my cock harder. “Oh, that is so good.”

I remembered as Remi slowly began to rise and drop as she rode my cock. Gradually she sped up as an unbelievable heat of passion rose in her. Soon she was slamming her body against mine. I remembered being incapable of coherent speech. All that could be heard was the moaning of pleasure and liquid sounds of our sex. She was sensationally hungry that day which fueled my desire for her.