Page 88 of Reaper

I closed my eyes, seeing her, remembering how her breath shuddered as she came.

I was still hard and rocked forward so I could still push into her. I knew I couldn’t keep this up for long. I would soon come myself, but she was at the edge of orgasm again. Still, I thrust deep into her, rocking faster and faster. She let out a deep moan as her pleasure peaked again. Her inner muscles grasped my cock in her tight ecstasy and brought me to an explosive orgasm.

“Fuck.” I growled as I stroked myself until streams of cum spurt into the air.

And then I heard it.

A sigh.

After weeks of silence, she finally responded.

Rolling onto my side, I trailed my hand from her shoulder to her elbow. “You know, baby, if you want something, all you have to do is ask for it.”


“I was thinking about that time with us in the kitchen. You know where I pounded into you like a madman, and you let me. You accepted my demon that day, and he ravished you. You were so wet, baby. I could smell your arousal for days afterward whenever I walked into the kitchen. It’s the best smell in the world.”

Her legs slightly moved.

I grinned and continued, caressing her. “Remember our first kiss? It was so sweet and fucking hot. Damn baby, you took my breath away. I couldn’t stop myself, then when your towel fell off, I saw those luscious tits. Fuck baby, I’m getting hard again just thinking about them.”

She whimpered as my hand moved over her hip towards her pelvis. I could smell her faint arousal. She was listening, getting excited. Yet, she hadn’t taken the bait. Sex was something where Remi and I connected on a spiritual level. We knew what the other wanted, needed, desired. We accepted each other as is. Nothing was off-limits with us when it came to fucking, and my baby could be greedy. I just needed to feed her more.

Moving my hand further towards her crotch, I wasn’t surprised to find her panties wet. She was aroused, but to what extent. Leaning closer, I whispered in her ear, “You smell heavenly. I would give anything for a taste of your juicy cunt, baby. Just a nibble. To have your sweet honey on my lips once more. Can you imagine that? My mouth on you, licking your pussy, nibbling your clit as you wiggle and squirm beneath me. Begging me for more. Remember how good it felt. How many times you came. I know you want me baby. Say the word, and I will devour you until you’re screaming my name.”

She turned towards me, and I stilled. Tears were pulling in her eyes. I thought she was aroused, and maybe her body was, but her mind was somewhere else. Something was wrong. Removing my hand from between her legs, I cupped her chin. “What is it? Tell me? Did I go too far?”

She slowly shook her head.

“Talk to me. Please.”

I waited, knowing that whatever she was going to say was going to be important. We were on a precipice, and one word from her could change everything. “I don’t know how to forget,” she whispered so softly, I barely heard her.

Pulling her closer to me, I held her, stroking my hands up and down her back. “We will never forget Remi. Neither of us. We’ve both lived through some sick shit. Nightmares have nothing on what we endured, you more than any of us. It’s a choice, you know.”

“What is?”

“How we proceed. It’s like that saying people say in those anonymous classes. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just because we had something shitty happen to us, it doesn’t define us. It’s how we move forward.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You, baby, are one of the strongest people I know. Most people would have crumbled and died. Not you. You are a fighter. You just got knocked down. It’s okay to take time and regroup. We all do. It’s when we stand back up that the true healing begins.”

“I was so happy before.”

“And you will be again, I promise.”

“I’m scared.”

“About what?”

“Everything,” she whispered. “I’m safe as long as I don’t leave this room. I’m scared for my brother and sister. I’m scared for the baby growing inside me. What if I can’t protect them? What if someone takes them. I couldn’t live with myself if that happened.”

“No one, and I mean no one, is going to hurt Jax or Sunny. Those kids are protected twenty-four seven. There are always two brothers with them at all times. As for our baby,” I said, placing my hand on her flat stomach. “This little fighter has more courage and strength than the both of us combined.”

“I’m so scared, Max,” she said, tightening her hold on me.

I sighed as joy washed through me. It was the first time in weeks I heard her utter my name. My Remi was coming back. I would never admit this to her, but she had me worried. I feared for the longest time that she would leave and never return. I wouldn’t blame her, nor would I have stopped her. She’d been through some sick shit. Dealing with the fact that it was one of my chapters added to her trauma was too much for anyone to handle. Yet, somehow my Remi was still lying next to me, letting me hold her as she talked to me.