He looked taken aback. “Pardon?”

“I thought I saw someone peeking over the wall. I assumed it was you, but I guess it could have been one of your men.” She glanced back at the pair of security guards trailing them.

“It was not me,” said Waller stiffly. “And it was not one of my men.”

“Perhaps I was mistaken then.”

“Yes, you were.”

Reggie wasn’t sure why she’d made such a provocative statement to the man. No, maybe she did know. It was better than scratching his eyes out. Sex slaver. Nuclear terrorist. She drew a calming breath and managed a smile. “The big market is tomorrow. It’s far larger than the one you saw before.”

“I look forward to it,” said Waller.

After finishing their shopping they passed by the church again. “Have you been in yet?” asked Reggie.

“Not yet. I will attend Mass on Sunday.”

“I’ve been inside. It’s quite lovely. Would you like to see it?”

Waller looked unsure, glancing back at the two guards. “All right. For a few minutes. Then we must eat. I am hungry. And after the market tomorrow I want to take you to Pont du Gard to see the aqueduct. Then we can have dinner near there at a truly delightful restaurant. Then the next day, Gigondas.”

“You have it all planned out?”

“Of course I do.” This blunt statement was softened by his smile.

They walked down the narrow alley and tugged open the church door. Inside it was noticeably cooler. They moved forward and saw the stairs leading up to the bell tower that was the highest point in Gordes. The two bodyguards, one of whom was Pascal, waited just inside the entrance.

As they approached the altar, Reggie genuflected and crossed herself; Waller did likewise. An elderly priest walked out and saw them. He spoke to them in French and Reggie answered before the priest moved on.

She said to Waller, “He just asked—”

“Yes, I know, my French is as good as my English, perhaps better. The church is closed, but we will only be a few minutes.”

Reggie looked around. “Centuries of worshippers have passed through here. It’s remarkable.”

In a low voice Waller said, “It is glorifying to be in the presence of such power.”

“Power for good,” amended Reggie as she stared at the cross on the altar.

“In a church what else could there be?”

“I don’t attend Mass as regularly as I should.”

“We will go together Sunday.”

“That’s not possible, because I’m leaving on Saturday.”

He looked stunned by this. “And going where?”

“Back home, to the States.”

“Can you not change your plans?”


“Because I am asking you to. I want to spend more time with you here.”

“But my villa lease will be up.”