“I will take care of that. I will either extend it or you can stay at my villa.”

“Evan, I don’t think—”

He gripped her arm. “I will take care of it.”

She winced at the pressure he was applying.

He slowly released her. “You have bewitched me. I am not in my right mind around you. I must watch myself.”

“Perhaps I should watch myself too,” she said, attempting a smile.

“But truthfully we must spend more time together. And when I go back to Canada it is a short trip to the United States. We can see each other there.”

“You hardly know me.”

“I am a quick judge of people. In fact, I can see right through them.” He laughed in a way that made Reggie’s throat go dry. But she had one more thing to do. It was the reason she’d brought him here.

“It’s time to go back. I have a few errands to run in my car after lunch,” she said.

Waller turned to head back the way they’d come.

“No,” said Reggie. She looked mischievous and playful, a performance she’d worked on in the mirror at the villa. “I found a shortcut.”


“Follow me.” She started off toward the stairs heading to the lower level.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

She turned back. “A shortcut, like I said.” She glanced over at Pascal, who was watching her closely. “He can come too,” she said with a laugh. “I’m not leading you into some ambush, come on.” She skipped down the steps.

Waller nodded to Pascal and they followed. Reggie was waiting for them at the bottom. She led them farther into the bowels of the holy place. Reggie glanced once more at Pascal and saw that he had his hand near his gun. A minute later she pushed open the door and stepped out into daylight. She pointed to her left. “See? A shortcut down the cliffs. The passage was cut right through the stone. The villas are right down those steps.”

Waller looked surprised and also impressed. “I passed by this door before and wondered where it led.”

“Now you know,” she said.

Now you know.



I WANT TO SEE HIM,” said Reggie.

“That is definitely not a good idea,” replied Whit.

They were once more meeting at the Abbaye de Sénanque bookshop.

“I don’t care if you don’t think it’s a good idea or not. I want you to take me to him.”

“Does the professor know—”

“I’m not feeling that charitable toward the man right now. So take me to see Bill.”

Shaw was sitting in the chair when the knock came.

“Away from the door!” called out a voice.