When it opened, Shaw blinked to adjust to the new level of light. Then he saw her standing there.

Reggie said, “I’m sorry about this. I had no idea what had happened to you.”

“Then let me go.”

“That won’t be happening, Paddy,” said Whit, stepping forward to stand next to Reggie.

Shaw noted the two other men at the doorway. They didn’t have their guns out, probably her doing. But he assumed they were armed.

“Then tell me what’s going on,” said Shaw. “May

be I can help you.”

“Same answer as the last one,” countered Whit.

Shaw shot him a glance. “Did you tell her about Waller, about his background?”

Reggie spoke up. “Yes, he did. And something you told us will actually help.”


“I can’t say.”

“Why are you after him?”

“Why were you after him?” replied Reggie.

Shaw didn’t say anything.

“Nuclear terrorism?” she suggested.

“He’s a bad guy,” said Shaw. “He needed to be taken down. That’s all I can tell you.”

“So then why were you leaving town?” asked Reggie. “Before he was taken down?”

Shaw glanced over at Whit. “Who are you with? Interpol? Mossad? MI6 maybe? Paddy.”

Reggie started to say something, but Whit let out a loud grunt. “No one you would recognize,” she finally said. “But why were you leaving town?”

“Op got pulled,” said Shaw finally.

“Because he killed the terrorists? That doesn’t mean he won’t try again.”

“I don’t make the orders, I just follow them.”

“And so do we,” snapped Whit.

“How did you figure things out with me?” asked Reggie.

“Right before they caved in my skull it sort of all came together. The last piece was you tipping Waller’s guy I was no longer an issue.”

“I didn’t want anything to happen to you.”

“When are you going to do it?” Shaw asked.

“Okay, little visit’s over,” said Whit.

Shaw ignored him and kept his gaze on Reggie. “Why did you come to see me?”