“Hey, it is what it is. If it seems like these guys are coming this way, I’ll get out of here on my own. I won’t let you die because of me,” she said and started to walk out of the room.

“So who is Frank?” Calder asked, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

She stared at Calder. “Frank is my commander, and my only friend. He set this up. He contacted Sandman as a last resort to keep me alive. I pray that he isn’t killed because of me.”

She walked away and Conway looked at the men.

“I’ll go talk to her. You guys get things started with dinner,” Conway stated.

“No,” Calder said. “It was me who got in her face and challenged her. I’ll handle this.”

Conway nodded his head as Calder left the room.

He looked at Brook and Lincoln.

“We were all way off,” Brook stated.

“We sure the fuck were,” Lincoln said.

“We need to get her to come around and give us more information on her situation. If she was working undercover, then more than likely she has evidence or actual proof to put away some seriously powerful people. If the federal agents who were watching her the first time around in protective custody were paid off and killed, then the person she has info against is very powerful and resourceful.”

“So are we. She needs us, Conway. You saw her eyes. You heard the defeat in her voice. It’s like she’s accepted the fact that she’s going to get killed by this guy. That really fucking pisses me off,” Lincoln stated.

“Me, too. And it isn’t just the fact that the four of us are totally attracted to her. She’s like the perfect woman for the four of us,” Brook stated. Conway shook his head and released a long sigh.

“That’s another thing we’re going to have to address later tonight, after she’s gone to bed. But for now, let’s just make her feel comfortable, and give her every opportunity to open up about herself, even if it means sharing some info on us.”

“I’m all for that. She’s been hurt badly enough. Those bruises are a reminder that whatever she went through it wasn’t easy to escape from,” Brook added.

“I feel an even stronger urge to protect her now. Call me crazy, but she’s special,” Lincoln said and then exited the room. Brook followed as Conway looked toward the hallway. Calder had entered J.J.’s room and she hadn’t thrown him out yet. A good sign? He felt his own gut clench and hope fill him inside. No woman had given him such a jolt the way J.J. had tonight. Learning that she was an undercover investigator just added to her appeal. Conway knew that things happened for a reason. Her being sent here to them was not just coincidence. They were all suffering in their own ways. Whether it was fear of their pasts, fear of the present, or despair over feeling alone, even though the house was full.

Could J.J. change that for them? Could they protect her once they knew all the details of her case? Hope swelled inside of him as Conway headed into the kitchen, too.

* * * *

J.J. leaned against the window frame in her bedroom. She felt defeated, lost, and completely confused about what had just happened out there in the living room. She really had no qualms about telling the men about her life about what happened. But as Calder became confrontational, she’d done what she always did. She closed up, got in her fighting stance, and prepared to battle it out. But he was Special Forces. Was she losing her freaking mind?

She heard the knock on her door and before she could say come in, Calder entered. He walked right in and stopped in the middle of her room. Immediately having the man in her bedroom changed her emotions. He was six feet four, in phenomenal physical condition, and he was staring at her.

“Listen, I’m sorry for coming off so strong back there. I shouldn’t have pushed.”

“Calder, there’s no need to apologize. I’m used to having to defend my capabilities, and especially with men. Don’t sweat it. It will be cool from here on out,” she said as she pushed off the windowsill and stood straight.

“You were upset, and I kept pushing.”

She walked closer. “Calder, I don’t need coddling. I’m used to doing things on my own, just as I’m sure you are. I could be a bit more understanding to your position and your team’s as well. But I don’t need sympathy or pampering,” she said and started walking toward the doorway.

Calder grabbed her upper arm, stopping her directly in front of him. His eyes zeroed in on hers, as he stared down at her.

“Sympathy or pampering. Damn, why the hell are you so full of fucking attitude?”

“Me? What about you? You’ve been giving me shit since I got here. You’re distrusting and bossy.”

“You’re distrusting, too,” he countered.

“You’re worse,” she stated. Calder pulled her against him.

She gasped. “You have a real tough girl attitude, and that drives me fucking crazy.”