They were both breathing rapidly. But J.J. felt this argument going in another direction, and so did her pussy. Her nipples hardened, her face felt flush.

“Fuck,” Calder said, and then lifted her up and kissed her.

She immediately straddled his hips, as his large palm grabbed a hold of her ass. He kissed her deeply, as they both struggled for control of the kiss as their hands explored one another’s bodies like wild animals.

His hands were big and hard as they grabbed at her body. She felt his one hand move under her blouse and the cami she wore and straight to her breast. He cupped it hard, and she moaned into his mouth. In a flash she was pressed up against the wall in the bedroom. She grabbed a hold of his head, feeling how hard and defined even his face and neck were.

They both pulled from their mouths at the same time to breathe. They were chin to chin and the power of their attraction was so intense they just stared at one another.

“Holy shit,” he said.

“Exactly,” she replied, and then he went after her neck. He licked and sucked her skin and collarbone and as he moved his lips across the front she gasped, grabbing his head to pull him back. The tears hit her eyes. She clenched them tightly. The damn bruising was still so raw and fragile.

“Shit. I’m sorry. Fuck,” he whispered, as he slowly lowered her feet to the ground. She straightened out her blouse, and he fixed his shirt.

She thought for a moment that he was going to deny what had just happened between them. But he didn’t.

Calder placed one hand over her shoulder above the wall behind her. His other hand held her hip in place as she leaned back against the wall. And his thigh remained between her legs and softly against her mound. Despite the jeans she wore, she knew she was dripping wet. Calder was one sexy, aggressive soldier.

He stared down at her as she gently held her throat.

“I’m sorry about that. We got a little carried away, huh?” He gave a small smile. She didn’t know he had that in him. He was always so tough and serious all the time.

“No problem. I guess it’s going to take some time for these bruises to hea

l completely.”

He lifted his hand from her waist. She felt the loss but then he gently glided his thumb over her throat. He was very careful not to apply even the slightest bit of pressure. She could imagine him holding her throat gently, possessively, as he sunk his cock deep into her cunt. J.J. closed her eyes and willed away the desire.

“No one has ever gotten under my skin the way you have. Not one fucking person I’ve met,” he told her. She opened her eyes, as his fingers left her throat and then trailed to her shoulder where he twirled part of her hair around his finger.

“What about Pauline?”

He snorted.

“I said under my skin, not on my nerves.”

“Give me time. I’m sure I can accomplish that,” she teased.

He nodded.

“I want to get to know you. I want to know the whole story, everything.”

She felt herself tense up.

“Is that why you kissed me?” she asked. He gripped her hip and gave her a squeeze.

“Hell, no. I kissed you because I wanted to. Shit, J.J., you’re damn lucky that everyone was in that room earlier, or I would have hauled your very naked ass over my shoulder and straight to my bedroom. We’d still be there now.”

She felt her cheeks warm.

“Awfully cocky, aren’t you, Calder?”

“Confident, ma’am. Cockiness gets people killed.”

They stared at one another again, and she wondered what he was thinking.

“There’s a lot for us to talk about. This thing, what just happened—”