It was Kelly’s turn to nod. “I think they knew each other because of their time in the military or something.” Kelly scrunched her brows. “Or maybe it was through one of Chad’s connections at the police force. Either way, he set us up with him.”

Jennie focused on untying her sneakers and slipped them off. “Chad’s a good man.”

Kelly’s “mm hmm” response contained a lot more meaning than the sound would let on.

Jennie looked at her and shook her head. Her friend was always trying to imply there was more between Jennie and Chad than there was. There so wasn’t anything between them.

And there wouldn’t be. Not if she had anything to say about it.

Chapter Nine

Jill sat on the edge of her bed to pull on her boots as she got ready to go out for the evening. She had to stop thinking about Andrew as anything more than a friend, but no matter how rational she tried to be, logic didn’t stop her body’s reaction to him.

Even the thought that she would see him in a few minutes had her body flushed and heated, tingling in anticipation of seeing him again.

It had taken Jill an hour to choose what to wear. She wanted to look good for Andrew, but she didn’t want to look like she was trying too hard.

In the end, she settled on a snug-fitting sweater dress. The dress came to mid-thigh and had a cowl neckline. It was a rich, reddish-brown color and the tan cowboy boots she slipped on complimented the sweater perfectly. The boots had teal blue accents etched into them and came to just below her knee. Teal earrings added a little flair.

When the doorbell rang, Jill met Rev at the front door where he was busy letting out excited barks every few seconds to try to hurry her along. The dog loved anyone who came to the house and was pretty sure they all came to visit him. Made a girl feel secure where burglaries were concerned.

Holding Rev back with one hand, she opened the door to let Andrew inside and smiled at him. When his eyes ran up and down her body in a heated appraisal she warmed. The way he looked had her feeling as if his hands were searing a pattern across her body rather than just his eyes.

She might not be able to have him but the way he treated her was beginning to do wonders for her battered and bruised confidence where men were concerned.

“You look amazing,” Andrew said.

“Thanks.” She smiled.Definitely good for my confidence. “I just need to get Rev’s leash. Kelly wants him to play with her new puppy so we should probably drive my SUV instead of your car.”

Jill had a feeling not many dogs had put their paws on the leather seats of Andrew’s car.

He raised his eyebrows. “Yup, SUV it is,” he said with a grin.

They led Rev out the front door. The dog bounded and Jill loaded him into her Explorer.

Andrew looked longingly at his car as they got into Jill’s SUV. “I’m going to have to put Adelaide away tomorrow and get out the Tahoe. It’s time for my winter car.”

Jill laughed. “I don’t know what’s funnier. The fact that you have a winter car and a summer car, or the fact that you call your car Adelaide.”

“What else would I call her? That’s her name!” Andrew said, like the teenage boy she used to know.

She rolled her eyes and laughed at him, relaxing into the seat.

Andrew drove since he knew the way to Jack and Kelly’s house and he and Jill slipped into a comfortable quiet on the way to the gathering. Rev sat straight up in one of the back seats and watched out the window as if he could somehow help with the navigation if he kept an eye on things.

When she and Andrew arrived thirty minutes later, Jill spotted Kelly and another woman playing with Kelly’s new puppy. Andrew headed off to see Jack and Chad while she headed toward the women.

“Jill, you’re here!” Kelly greeted Jill enthusiastically and then bent to pet Rev.

“Rev, this is my puppy Zoe. Zoe, this is Rev,” Kelly said as she crouched down next to a fluffy black puppy who looked to be four or five months old. Who knew what breed of dog she was besides cute. She was the damned cute breed, that’s what she was.

Rev laid down and rolled onto his side to allow the puppy to climb on him.

Zoe promptly began chewing Rev’s ears as the two rolled together on the floor.

Jill smiled down at the dogs. “He’s always so great with puppies. I don’t know how he knows to lay down with them, but he always does. I can promise, I had nothing to do with him being such a great playmate. I’m pretty clueless when it comes to training.”

Kelly grinned at Jill and then introduced her to the woman with the strawberry blond hair standing with them. “Jill, this is Jennie. Jennie – Jill. Jennie’s dog, Zeke, has been on puppy duty all week so he was glad to have a break when I told her you’d bring Rev tonight.”