They exchanged greetings and open smiles. “Do you also work at Sutton Capital, Jennie?”

Jennie and Kelly laughed, causing Jill to look at them quizzically, wondering what the inside joke was.

“Yes,” Jennie explained. “I was Jack’s temp secretary when I overheard him explaining to Andrew that his mom’s will required Jack to be married by the time he was thirty-five. If he didn’t marry within a week, he would lose a good portion of the shares of the company. I told Kelly what I had heard and she offered to marry him in exchange for her law school tuition.”

Jill’s jaw hit the floor as she gaped at Jennie and Kelly. “What? You married Jack for law school tuition?”

Kelly was completely unabashed as she responded with a huge smile on her face. “Yup! Sure did. We were supposed to be married for one year so he could satisfy the terms of his mother’s will, but then we fell madly, completely in love with each other and the rest is history.” Kelly sighed happily.

“I almost got fired for spying on Jack and telling Kelly his secret, but it was worth it.” Jennie smiled broadly and launched into the story, telling Jill how Kelly walked into Jack’s office and introduced herself to Jack’s aunt and cousin as if she were Jack’s fiancée. In reality, Jack and Kelly had never met before. Jill listened in awe as Jennie told her about the note Kelly passed to Jack that proposed the deal.

“Jack only accepted because he thought Andrew had sent Kelly to Jack to solve his problem. When Jack figured out Kelly hadn’t been sent by Andrew, he pretty much freaked,” Jennie said.

The girls laughed over the story that had ended in one of the most romantic marriages Jill had ever seen.

Kelly looked past Jennie’s shoulder to where Chad stood talking to Christian Lang, a man who worked in tech services at Sutton.

“Chad can’t keep his eyes off of you, Jen,” Kelly said.

Jill casually turned to stand next to Kelly, leaning against a table so that it wasn’t obvious she was trying to change her angle to look for Chad. “Which one is he?”

Jennie laughed. “He’s the guy that looks like he could break any other man in this room in half with a flick of his wrist.”

Jill scanned the room and quickly located the dark-haired god that stood about two inches taller than most of the men in the room. He looked a lot like Jack but his hair was darker and he was sheer muscle. Much larger than any other man there – that said something since there were a lot of really built men in the room, including Andrew.

Jill turned wide eyes to Kelly and Jennie. “Holy crap! He’s like a truck.”

Jennie grinned. “I know. I call him Tank if I want to get a rise out of him. Or the Hulk. He hates that one.”

Kelly and Jill laughed. “Jennie likes to taunt the big, dangerous man. She’s got a bit of a screw loose,” Kelly explained.

The girls laughed and enjoyed another minute of ogling Chad before Kelly changed the subject.

“So, what’s the story with you and Andrew?” Kelly asked. “And, don’t try to tell me you just car-pooled here because you’re neighbors. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.”

Jill had been aware of Andrew’s constant attention. She felt it every time he looked her way with tingling up her spine or heat racing to parts of her body she didn’t want reacting to Andrew.

“Sorry to disappoint. Nothing is happening. Not that I can convince my body of that.”

Kelly laughed and Jennie started fanning herself with one hand.

“Oh, I bet he could show you more than a little fun in the bedroom.” Jennie laughed.

“No chance of anything happening?” Kelly asked.

“No, and I don’t want it to. Our families know each other and we have mutual friends,” Jill added with a pointed look at Kelly. “Neither of us is looking for anything serious so we don’t want to have a casual relationship and then have to be a part of each other’s lives after it ends. It would just be too weird.”

“That sucks,” Kelly said, “but I get what you mean. It’s just too bad. Andrew’s such a great guy and sooooo sexy. I thought you would be perfect for each other.”

Jennie laughed and nodded. Before Jill could answer, Andrew joined them, taking the spot right next to Jill. Her body came alive in response to him.

“Talking about me?” he asked.

Kelly and Jennie laughed and Jill felt her cheeks flush red. He leaned against the table next to Jill, and as he did his thigh brushed hers – just the slightest whisper of contact, but it sent edgy energy tripping through her body. She was instantly aroused.

“What is Andrew doing now, ladies?” Jack asked as he approached.

“Hey!” Andrew managed an indignant tone. “I just came to tell Jill I love the picture Kelly picked for over the fireplace in here.”