Page 50 of Twisted Sinner

“I’m intimidated,” I tell him. “It’s scary seeing all that stuff. I’m not exactly what you would call experienced in this kind of thing.”

He nods. “You will not be thrown in at the deep end. Submission is not a single session together. It is a mutual symbiotic process where we get to know each other better. By the end of it, you understand me and yourself better than you ever did before.”

“It’s not that,” I say with a shake of my head. “I’ve never done any of this before.”


“No, I’ve never had sex, all right?”

“You mean …?”

“That’s right. I’m a virgin. Feel free to laugh at me now. Everyone else does.”



It all makes sense now. How did I not see it before?

This explains the shock and confusion in her eyes when she saw the punishment room.

She’s looking up at me with fear in her eyes now, like she’s expecting me to mock her, maybe yell at her.

I know what I should do. I should throw her out. There is no way this can work. How can I take someone utterly innocent and hope to turn her into a willing submissive? Something I’d never dream of attempting.

It’s one thing to work with an experienced woman willing to use their knowledge to guide their journey. But Ophelia has no such knowledge.

I was so excited she was the one I never thought to ask her if she’d had sex before. Someone as beautiful as her, it seemed a given that she’d have had her pick of men in the city.

“You’re a virgin?” I ask.

“Feel free to laugh at me.”

“Why on earth would I laugh at you?”

“Because I’m twenty-three and I’ve never slept with anyone.”

“That makes you discerning.”

“Does it?” She sounds doubtful but she’s starting to shift her mindset already.

“We will not begin in the punishment room,” I tell her, holding a hand out her way. “We will begin in the pleasure room.”

“And what’s in there?”

“Come and see.”

She gets to her feet, letting me guide her back down the stairs. I unlock the second door, watching as it slides open. She looks inside. “Is that all?” she asks, looking at the enormous four poster bed in the center of the space.

She’s no idea what’s in the chest of drawers by the far side. Nor underneath the bed. All of that is for later. For now, there is something important I must do.

“Come with me,” I tell her. “Sex for the first time needn’t be frightening, not with the right person.”

“Are you saying you’re going to sleep with me?”

“This is a safe space, Ophelia. No one will hurt you down here. What happens will go no further than these four walls. Here you can be yourself. You can experiment, as can I. You can try new things with no judgment from me. All I ask is for you to keep an open mind. If you can do that, you will enjoy your time here, even the painful moments. If you close your mind to new experiences, you are not the curious woman I thought you were. What kind of woman do you want to be, Ophelia?”

“No one has ever asked me that question before.”