Page 51 of Twisted Sinner

“I think you’re the kind of woman who will allow me to do this.”

I walk up to her and kiss her, softly this time. It’s a brief embrace and I let go of her all too soon, despite my desire to toss her onto the bed and rip her clothes off her. “Your roommate will no doubt be wondering where you are when you do not return home tonight. I suggest you contact her and tell her where you are or the police may start looking for you.”

“Oh, shit. I never thought about that.”

“That is the first lesson in submission. I will think of the things you may miss. Go and send her a message. There is no signal down here.”

“How do you know I won’t tell her you kidnapped me? Tell her to come and rescue me?”

“There is nothing to stop you doing that other than your conscience. Do you consider yourself trapped here?”

“It’s not like I can call a cab to take me back to the city, is it?”

“You took a step into the dark with me. You are curious by nature. You will take further steps, I am sure of it. But by all means, feel free to prove me wrong. I will give you five minutes. If you are not back down here in that time, you will be spanked for your lateness.”

She scurries off without a word. I hear her feet on the steps and then she’s out into the study. I sit on the edge of the bed and count off the minutes.

She’s never had sex before. I’ll be her first.

A thought occurs to me while I’m waiting. I’m going to be her first. If I do this right, I will be her last. She will never know the touch of another man. She will be mine for life.

I will break her, I have no doubt. Staying with me will damage her. I damage anything that gets close to me. Hence never keeping a woman for any length of time, never allowing them to get too attached.

But what about her?

She is different to all the others. The first one I could see myself spending the rest of my life with.

I must know if she is capable of submitting to me. For my plan to work, she must be a convincing wife, the type of wife my father would expect me to have.

What’s the worst that could happen? I fail in her training and the plot is seen through. No one believes we are genuine husband and wife. Michael marries and takes over.

The family empire crumbles fast as he gambles away the contents of the Swiss accounts. The Beluccis become the power players on this coast.

But if I succeed? The entire thing is mine. Everything I ever dreamed of, more power than any man in the country. All bow before me. Better still, I keep Ophelia as my wife and she submits to me for the rest of our lives.

I watch the clock on the wall as it ticks past five minutes. She is late returning. That is bad news for her but good for me. I’ll finally get to see what her ass looks like when my firm hand turns it bright red in my lap.

I smile to myself but my smile fades when another minute ticks by. I get to my feet and decide to go fetch her. It does not take that long to send a message.

Either she’s running out the clock because she wants to be spanked or she’s making a run for it. Either way, the punishment will be the same.

I gave her a command and she disobeyed.

It’s time for her training to begin.



Ihave to go outside the house to get enough service to send the message. I tried wandering around waving my arm like I’m trying to hail a bus but there’s nothing.

I typed out the message in the study, telling Cathy that I’m doing all right but that I won’t be home for a while. No need to panic. But when I tried to send it, no luck.

So here I am heading out the kitchen door into a garden which is lit up by subtle lamps set into the edges of the lawn at ten feet intervals. I walk out but I only get a couple of yards when the door swings shut behind me, clicking locked with an emphatic sound that’s loud in the silence of the night.

I rattle the door handle. Nothing. There’s a ping from my phone so I look at it. At least the message has gone. The only problem is I’ve got two minutes to get back to him or he’ll spank me.

I’ve no doubt he means it. It was clear from the tone of his voice. If I don’t get back in time he’ll take it as tacit consent from me that I want him to do it.