Page 31 of Ravaged Bride

I’ve heard about some of things he’s done to their hookers, the damage he’s done. Only a matter of time before he goes too far and kills one of them, if he hasn’t already. Ticking time bomb, that boy.

Not for much longer though. Tonight I go see Don Colombo. One of two things happens. He gives permission for Alessandro to die or he gets shot before he’s even ordered his dessert.

I’ve spent the week planning for this meeting. I know the layout of the restaurant. I know the exits. I know who works there and their usual patterns of movement. I know how many customers there are at different times of day. I’m ready.

That’s not all I’ve done this week. I’ve spent plenty of time with Kelly. Even found myself opening up to her a little.

There’s something about her that gets through to me. Maybe it’s because she’s not a part of my world. Maybe it’s just her. Whatever it is, I’ve told her things I’ve never told anyone before.

Like how my Grandfather was stationed in Italy during the war. The girl he slept with then left behind when the war ended. She was pregnant and he knew that but he left her anyway.

How my father, when he was old enough, came to the States looking for his pop. Found out he was already dead but decided to stay anyway. Then along I come only dad can’t handle being a parent. Throws himself into his work and leaves mom to bring me up. Two generations backing out on their duty to their children.

I refuse to do the same. That’s what she’s made me see. That’s where my anger comes from, according to her. I want an heir but I’m afraid I’ll fail to parent properly.

She’s making me see it doesn’t have to be like that. She says she’s got no fear I’ll be a good father. Says she sees something in me that can’t be faked. I hope she’s right.

I’m not the only one to have opened up. I know all about her family now, her past, her dreams for the future. We got drunk last night and she was talking about cutting a record someday. Said it was a dumb dream but I don’t think it is. When this is all over, I’ll help her get there.

She told me something else too. Told me she doesn’t feel brave enough to put herself out there, thinks she isn’t confident enough to do it. So I asked her something else. She didn’t answer until the bottle of wine was empty but then she told me.

I get up from my desk and head out to find her. She’s in the drawing room, reading one of the books from my library. “Finished Stark?” I ask her, looking at the cover.

She smiles when she sees me. “You ever read it?”

“I’ve read all the books in here.”

She looks around at the shelves and nods her approval. “That’s impressive. What’s it stand for then?”



“Star ark.”

She nods again. “You pass the test. I’ll stay married to you for now. Is it dinner time?”

I normally collect her each evening when I’m done with work for the day but today is different. “Get your coat,” I tell her. “I’ll meet you by the front door.”

She gets to her feet and scurries out of the room. I love how easily she obeys me. Going to make it all the harder when I have to give her up.

Except I’m starting to think that maybe I’ll keep her. Maybe I can find a way to make it work.

I’m not thinking about it too much though. The priority is to deal with Don Colombo and his asshole son. When that’s over, I’ll have a talk with Kelly, see if we can’t make a go of this whole thing.

I know she’s doing this because I offered her money but there are feelings there too. I can tell. She’s giving me an heir. I can at least keep her here for the duration of the pregnancy. After that, maybe we can co-parent. Got to be better than me turning into my father or grandfather.

I meet her by the front door. “You remember what you told me last night?” I say as we head out to the waiting car.

“What about?” She sounds defensive as she climbs in next to me.

We set off, the headlights cutting through the darkness on our way down the drive. I turn to Kelly. “About having sex in a public place.”

“Ricardo!” She darts a glance at our driver.

I tap the glass that separates the front and back of the car. “Soundproof,” I say. “Don’t feel embarrassed.”

“I am embarrassed. I never should have told you that.”