Page 32 of Ravaged Bride

“I’m glad you did. You remember how you said you weren’t brave enough to make a go of singing?”

“I remember.”

“I’m going to make you an offer.”

“What kind of offer?”

“If you’re brave enough to have sex with me in a public place, you’ve got to be brave enough to cut a record, right?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure about any of that.”

“I am. Come here.”

She nestles up beside me, her head on my shoulder. I hold her hand and stroke it gently, loving how natural it feels to have her beside me like this.

I used to love traveling alone. Now the idea of going places without her feels like a waste somehow, like she’s meant to be sitting next to me everywhere I go.

We get to the edge of Rosewood Park. The car stops and we step out. “Where are we?” Kelly asks as she looks around her.

“This way.” I take her hand and lead her into the park.

“You sure it’s safe?” she asks.

“I’m sure.”

There are a few people around. The diner near the pond is open until late and I can see couples inside, enjoying burgers and shakes.

Other people are walking their dogs on leashes, a few cyclists riding toward the city center, using the park as a shortcut. No one is looking our way as I cut off the path and onto the grass. “Where are we going now?” she asks.

I get her down into the slight valley where the stream feeds the pond. From here, we can hear the music in the diner but no one can see us.

“You trust me?” I ask her, turning to face her.

“I guess so but if you were going to murder me, this would be a good spot to do it.”

“I’m not going to murder you.”

“Then why have you brought me here?”

“You wanted to do it in a public place, right?”

“You’re shitting me. You don’t mean that, do you?”

“Why’d you think I told you to wear a dress?”

“Because you think I look good in dresses?”

I shake my head. “So I can do this.” I reach forward and lift her dress, tugging her panties straight down to her ankles.

“What are you doing?” she squeals.

I grab hold of her, lifting her into the air. She kicks wildly, her panties flying off into the grass. I press my lips to hers, kissing her before she can say anything else. My hand goes to her ass. I feel it through the curves of her dress, holding her tight to me. The breeze blows past, the music of the diner drifting along with it.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” she manages to say between kisses. “What if someone sees us?”

“What if they do?” I slide a hand between her legs, feeling how wet she’s become. “Your body isn’t lying,” I tell her, slipping a finger inside her. “This is what you wanted.”
