Page 84 of Emery

He reaches over and pulls me into his arms and presses a kiss to my temple, right there in the middle of the shop. My mind is overanalyzing this now. It’s full speed ahead.

What does this mean?

He won’t tell his mom, but he has no issue with everyone else knowing?

Why is he so confusing?

Why can’t he just make up his mind?

“I like your tattoo,” he says, oblivious to my internal struggle.

“Why, thank you.”

“I think I’d like to get one.”

My wayward thoughts come tumbling back to August and I blink at him. “A tattoo? On that pretty skin of yours?”

“Yeah. Maybe Hector could design it.”

I frown. “He’s not getting anywhere near you. I’ll have to vet potential artists to see if they’re respectable enough.”

August chuckles and grabs my face, tilting my head and kissing me softly on the lips.

“Yeah, okay. You can do that, Em.”

And if my heart doesn’t flutter at that.

Hector makes his way to the front of the shop and eyes us. “Ah, so you’rethosekinds of stepbrothers.”

I’m not sure what the fuck he’s talking about, but he just gives me a nod. LikeI’ve gotchu. I won’t mess with your man.

Maybe I won’t fire you, H.

“Where are we off to next?” August asks, oblivious to the telepathic conversation I just had with Hector.

“Thought I’d grab a bag of clothes from Lex’s and chill with you tonight? Think you’ll let me stick a finger up that tight ass again? Because I’m torn between that and just eating it entirely.”

August flushes red and chokes a little on his own spit as I smirk at him. Fuck, if him being all bashful doesn’t get me hard.

“I’ll let you choose this time. Let’s go.”

When we make it back to the apartment, we find Lex in the kitchen, earbuds in his ears, swaying his ass to an inaudible beat as he messes with something on the kitchen table.

I tap him on the shoulder, and he whirls around, pulling one earbud out.

“Why hello there, Eminem. What are you doing home?” He eyes August and smirks. “Oh, and hello there, hot stepbrother. So glad you could join us.”

August runs a nervous hand through his hair and it, of course, flops right back in place.

Lex looks at me. “You’re so right about the hair. That’s unnatural.”

I snort a laugh and then August steps forward, holding out a hand. “Hi. I’m August. We’ve never met.”

“Oh, but we have. I drank your coffee. You have fabulous taste. So, thank you very much for leaving it for my consumption.”

Lex slides his hand into August’s and sighs. “Wonderfully big hands too. God, no wonder Eminem is obsessed with you.”

August clears his throat and looks over at me and yeah, I’m blushing because goddamn Lex and his big mouth.

Cora Rose's Novels