Page 85 of Emery

“Could you just shut it, Lex? Like zip it right up. Throw away the key.”

Lex smirks and then slides his hand away from August’s. “Fine, but just know this place is riddled with cameras and microphones, I can hear and see every movement you make so if you two fuck anywhere in the apartment, I will see it.” His eyes slide over August and he leans in to murmur, “And I’m not saying that as a deterrent, I’m just legally obligated to inform you. I’d very much like to watch you get your cherry popped, so fuck away.”

I groan, “Lex, you are the literal worst. They don’t come any worser.”

I grab August’s hand and tug him toward the bedroom to grab my clothes.

“So that’s Lex,” I hiss and grab a duffle from the floor of the closet, shoving clothes into it. “See why I hate him?”

“I can literally hear you!” Lex replies loudly. “Cameras. And he doesn’t hate me, August. He’s just stuck with me and bitter about it. He can’t appreciate a good thing.”

August smiles down at me. “I like him.”

“He likes me,” Lex shouts and I roll my eyes, holding a finger up to my lips.

“Not another word,” I tell him and August leans against the wall, his fingers touching my arm softly. It’s distracting, his skin against mine. I want his hands all over me. I want my hands all over him. If Lex wasn’t such a creeper, I’d turn August around, bend him over and fuck him right here.

“Alright you two,” Lex says, appearing in the doorway. “I’ve gotta run. Got old lady hair to dye.” He holds up a box and shakes it in front of me. “What do you think? Is this red enough?”

I glance at the box. “Whose hair you dying?”

“Ah, Martha and Vicki’s. Brenda wants purple, but that’s on backorder. I told her she’d have to wait until next week.”

August watches us both as I hand the box back to Lex. “Looks good to me. Have fun with yournewfriends.”

“Ah, Eminem, don’t be jealous. I’m always here for you,” Lex says and then squishes his lips to my forehead. I’m rubbing at it when he turns around and waltzes out of the apartment.

But before the door can shut, he shouts, “Oh and August, word of caution. Be prepared to bottom. This one refuses to do anything but top!”

I toss a balled-up pair of socks at his back, but the door slams shut before I can hit him.

Damn, he’s sneaky.

Then it’s silent and I hold up my finger to my lips.

“Shhh,” I mouth and then the two of us are on our way out, my duffle flung over August’s shoulder.

The door clicks shut behind us and August stops walking, turning toward me. “Should we discuss this?”

“Discuss what?” I ask, playing dumb.


I glower at him. “You and your fucking discussions. There is nothing to discuss. You heard him and he’s right. I don’t bottom. Ever. End of story. I thought I told you this?”

“Can I ask why you don’t?”

“I just…don’t like feeling that vulnerable. It’s too much for me, I can’t handle it. The only thing allowed in my ass is my dildo. If that’s a dealbreaker––”

“Em,” he interrupts softly, and I look everywhere but him. I know what’s coming and it’s fine. It’s totally fine.

August reaches out and grasps onto the back of my neck, touching his forehead to mine.

“Oh god, we don’t have to fuck at all if it’s an issue, okay? We can manage without anal if you don’t….”

August presses his mouth onto mine. It’s sweet and gentle and I can’t help but just lean into it.

“That’s fine. I just wanted to let you know that it’s fine. I…” he clears his throat. “I like it. I’ll like it. You on top.”

Cora Rose's Novels