Page 32 of Sphinx

Her black eyes narrowed, so I removed my hand. I didn’t need to get kneed in the balls. It was still early as far as I was concerned. I still had the rest of the night to finish proving my point.

“I’ll concede that we have a lot to talk about, Fox,” she replied, her voice barely controlled. “However, Saxton will always be off-limits.”


“No,” she snapped. “I know you have a lot of questions where he and I are concerned, considering-”

“Considering the fact that you never told me a fucking thing about him?” I snapped back.

“Saxton is off-limits,” she repeated. “I won’t tell you again.” Kincaid straightened her spine, a move I knew all too well. She was gearing up for battle. “If you have any…hope of…us working something out, then that’s the most important thing that you need understand, Fox. Saxton is off-limits. Saxton will always be off-limits.”

“So, I’m just supposed to be okay with you running off to another guy whenever life gets too hard?” I spat, never realizing just how resentful I was feeling about that. It didn’t matter that Saxton’s already told me that they’ve been best friends since the second grade. This was a new development for me because she’d never mentioned him before.

“Yes,” she fired back. “Just how his wife is okay with me running to him whenever I need him. Just how his wife is okay with him running to me whenever he needs me, too.”

“Saxton and I weren’t roommates for two fucking years,” I reminder her. “Up until the initiation, we’d been passing acquaintances, at best.”

“Well, I don’t give a fuck,” she fired back, her voice rising with anger. “Saxton is my person, and I will never give him up for anyone. If you’ve never believed a word I’ve said before, you better believe that, Fox. Saxton is…irreplaceable in my life.”

Jealousy was an ugly thing, but so was insecurity, and I was punching that two-ticket combo right now. Now, did I believe something was going on between Saxton and Kincaid? No. Even not knowing Saxton Voss that well, the dude was pure integrity. He’d never cheat on his wife, and he’d never put his wife in the position where she’d have to entertain and accept a girl that he’s slept with in the past. Kincaid wasn’t vile like that, either.

So, I believed that they were only friends. I believed that they’ve never been anything more. It wasn’t sexual jealousy that was tearing at my insides, it was worse. Saxton had Kincaid’s unwavering loyalty and trust, and I had neither of those things. I had her body, maybe even her love, but Kincaid wasn’t an emotional person. If she were, then she would value love over trust, but she wasn’t, so she didn’t.

My hand reached up and slid around her neck. She closed her eyes and showed her weakness. However, that didn’t mean shit, because my weakness for her was just as strong as her weakness for me.

Leaning down, my lips touched hers, her mouth opening for mine. “By the time that I’m done with you, I’ll be the first man you want to run to, even if I’m not the only,” I vowed.


“I’m taking you home with me, Kincaid,” I told her. “However, this time, I’m going to make sure you’re so wrecked that those legs of yours are incapable of helping you out of my bed.”

For the second time in just as many weeks, I tossed Kincaid Black over my shoulder, then carried her out of another party.

And, again, everyone knew better than to record us.