
Do secret societies really exist?

The Order of the Cronus does, and as an organization that has stood the test of time, it made a person question what exactly it took to make something like that happen.

Reputed to have the patience of a saint, Ross Carmichael was no stranger to juggling more than one issue at a time, no matter how troublesome. Born into the spotlight of being a U.S. Senator’s firstborn son, Ross knew the score. His future had never been his own, but it was one that he’s wanted since he could remember. More than ready, Ross was eager to get things moving along.

With only one more year left at Hales University, all that Ross had to do was make it through his senior year without jumping off track. The Order of the Cronus was very strict about what it would and would not tolerate from its initiates, and violators were dealt with harshly. There was no room for error when it came to becoming a member, something that Ross had been very aware of.

However, that was all before Sutton Hadley came into the picture.

With her entire future ahead of her, Sutton Hadley didn’t have much to complain about. Though she’d been raised under tragic circumstances, Sutton was still able to look to the good in life. Raised by her grandparents, they had never treated her life like a dreadful after-school special. They had raised Sutton to be smart, strong, willful, yet forgiving. Sutton was still very blessed, and she knew it.

Prepared to make the most of her good fortune, Sutton wasn’t afraid of what awaited her after graduation. Being able to attend Hales University had been a bonus, and a great head start to a good life. Between her supportive grandparents, her best friend, the excitement of what was to come, Sutton wasn’t about to let anyone ruin things for her.

However, that was all before she found herself way in over her head, drowning in her own naivety.

When secret societies really do exist…
Ross Carmichael had been prepared to handle anything that came his way, but when Sutton Hadley starts to make his life difficult, all bets are off, and The Order becomes concerned.

Sutton Hadley had not been prepared for Ross Carmichael, but when he makes it clear that he’s in this to win, she’s faced with a situation that she never could have imagined.

Together, Ross and Sutton find themselves in the middle of a battle that neither of them had been expecting, but it’s also one that they’re not afraid to fight.

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