Page 38 of Cerberus

“I didn’t think about it,” she hedged. “We usually don’t…check in like that.”

You could hear his irritation loud and clear. “Okay, you know what? When you get back, we’re going to have to have a long conversation about what the fuck you think is going on here, Delta.” We both winced; that’s how upset he sounded. “For whatever reason, you seem to think we’re just fuck buddies or some such shit, and we’re not. You’re my girl, and you’ve been my girl for some time already. You might not feel serious about me, but I’m damn sure serious about you. So, when you get back, we’re hashing this shit out, okay?”

“Uh…Sutton’s in the car, Malcolm,” she muttered.

“Like I give a fuck,” he fired back. “It’s not like she doesn’t know how I feel about you.”

“Look, I-”

“I don’t want to hear it right now,” he said, interrupting her. “I don’t want you distracted while you’re driving.” My heart really skipped at that. He was upset with her, but he wasn’t letting that distract from his concern for her. “Text me when you get there, then text me when you get home on Sunday. Understand?”

“Yeah, I hear you.”

“I don’t think you do,” he snapped. “But you’re going to.”

I just stared at Delta as he hung up. If she had any doubts about how Malcolm felt about her, I’d say those doubts have been cleared up now.

We were silent for another mile before she said, “Wow.”

I barked out a laugh. “Yeah, wow.”

She looked over at me, and the smile on her face said it all.

She finally got what she wanted.

Though she was still smiling, she asked, “Am I a dick friend because I’m so happy, even though you’re heartbroken right now?”

I reached over and squeezed her leg. “Absolutely not,” I assured her. “I’m so happy for you, regardless of my broken heart.” I smiled with all my teeth. “This is so awesome.”

Her shoulders sagged. “It’d only be awesome if you were happy, too.”

“Don’t worry about me,” I told her. “In all honesty, I can’t even be mad at the guy. This is all on me, Delta. I knew better. Hell, I should have demanded better. Sometimes I wonder why girls like me set the bar so damn low, you know.”

“Sutton, c’mon,” she said softy. “Don’t do that to yourself. There’s nothing wrong with giving a person a second chance.”

“Maybe not,” I agreed. “But I still went back without real answers or…” I let out a sad laugh. “Hell, I hadn’t even demanded a genuine apology. He said he was sorry, and while I’d given good lip service, I hadn’t fought him all that hard. Ross kissed me, and that was it. I made the choice to be stupid, rather than still hurt. Only now, I’m hurt worse than I was before because I can only be mad at myself and forgiving yourself is a lot harder than forgiving someone else.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“Nothing,” I answered honestly. “I’m going to do what I did last time. I’m going to move on and try to forget that Ross Carmichael was ever a part of my life.”

“I don’t know, Sutton,” she mumbled. “From what you said, I’m not all that sure that Ross is done with you. I mean, you did say he was angry and snapping at Jennifer.”

I sighed and dropped my head back against the headrest. “It doesn’t matter, Delta. I’m done with him, even if he’s not done with me.”

“Sutton, I think you’re deluding yourself, babe,” she said. “This is Ross Carmichael that we’re talking about. The guy can move mountains if he’s so inclined.”

“Maybe,” I conceded a bit. “However, for as powerful as he is, his father is a Senator, Delta. Ross can hardly risk scandal. The Carmichaels already have one son that the press likes to harp on, so I can’t imagine Ross doing anything to cause any more bad press. Their image is everything.”

“True,” she agreed. “Still, I think you’re underestimating Ross Carmichael, and that’s probably not a smart thing to do.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she answered, her eyes on the road.

“What would you say if Malcolm wants to move in with you?” Malcolm shared an apartment with two other guys, so if things become live-in serious, it stands to reason that Malcolm would move in with us.

“Well, I’d talk to you about it first, of course,” she automatically replied. “Why?”