Page 37 of Sphinx

Chapter 20


In a surprising move last night, Fox had gone home after his meeting with the guys, and I hadn’t been entirely sure how I felt about it. I was still a bit unsure. While the sex had been fantastic, we still had a much-needed conversation lurking between us, making me feel slightly unsettled, and it was a feeling that I was not familiar or comfortable with.

However, in all honesty, my body was glad he’d gone home. Fox had been my first, and there’d only been less than a handful since him, the last being so long that I barely remembered. My body wasn’t conditioned to have so much sex in such a short amount of time. I ached from head to toe, and even the hot bath this morning hadn’t done shit to ease all the soreness.

In a total girl move, after the bath this morning, instead of getting dressed in my own clothes, I’d thrown on a pair of yoga pants, but had paired them with Fox’s shirt from last night. Though wrinkled, it still smelled like him, and I’d been in my feelings deep enough to want that.

Unlike when I’d gone to his place unprepared, Fox had come to my place fully prepared to leave his mark. My closet had a handful of his clothes, one dresser drawer had been cleaned out for his underwear and socks, and he had a toothbrush, shaving stuff, and an extra bottle of his bodywash all in my bathroom.

As if he lived here.

Breakfast had been light and quick, and I couldn’t help how I missed hearing Hastings’ voice in the morning or how we’d catch up during breakfast. It wasn’t that I had a problem living alone. In fact, I preferred it. However, I’ve come to realized that Hastings and I were a lot closer than I had given credit to our friendship. When you had a solid friendship like I had with Saxton, sometimes it was hard to remember that other friendships mattered just as much.

I was just putting the dishes up when my phone chimed.

SaxyV: On my way up

Me: K

It wasn’t lost on me how this was the first time that Saxton has ever announced his visit. He was probably under the impression that Fox was still here, because the man had a key that he’s always used liberally, even when Hastings lived here. There’d be no reason to think he wouldn’t just walk in now.

Grabbing another mug, I put my coffee maker to use again, brewing Saxton his favorite. We were coffee goers until noon. If we were drinking coffee after noon, then we’d probably gone without sleep the night before, something that we’ve done before when we’ve partied together.

The sounds of my front door opening reached my ears just as I was pouring Saxton’s coffee. When I turned around to set his mug on the kitchen island, I saw that he was smirking at me.

“Shut up,” I grumbled as I made my way around the counter to sit next to him.

The fucker grinned. “I didn’t say a word.”

I wasn’t very girly, so seeing me in Fox’s shirt had to be a hoot for him. Plus, it was so big that there was no way that he didn’t know it belonged to Fox. The only thing that I’ve ever worn of Saxton’s was a very old and worn hoodie that he’d given to me when we were in the seventh grade. Sometimes, I still couldn’t believe the thing was still surviving, but it was.

“Where is Fox, anyways?” he asked before taking a sip of his coffee.

I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “He sent me a text last night that he was going home after the meeting that you guys had.”

“That’s surprising,” he remarked.

“A bit,” I admitted. “But I think the space is good. We still…we still have a lot of talking to do. Where’s Hastings?”

“She’s at home,” he answered. “She’s making sure she’s good for school tomorrow after taking this last week off. Elias is with her since Sutton and Rylee are good right now.”

“Think you can keep from killing August if you see him around campus tomorrow?” I asked, worried but not really. I had no problem helping Saxton cover up a murder.

“Probably not,” he admitted. “But I’ll do my best. Hastings’ plan is to not let me out of her sight, and if anyone can keep me from killing him, it’s her.”

“I’m sure the guys are all going to be extra vigilant tomorrow, knowing that you might run into him,” I replied. “Though everyone knows the fucker needs killing, we need to be smart about it.”

Saxton just nodded quietly before going back to the topic of me and Fox. “So, how am I playing this, babe?” he asked. “Are you guys back together? Just sleeping together? Taking it slow? What?”

“For now, I think we’re back together,” I told him, though not completely sure. “Honestly, I don’t know for certain, though.”

His eyes squinted a bit. “For now?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “Who knows what he’s going to do or think once he finds out the truth. Even I know that something’s gotta give eventually. Odds are that I’m going to have to tell him the truth.”

“Well, speaking of the truth, Stone’s PI found out the connection between Alexander and August,” he said. “Alexander is having an affair with August’s father.”