Page 40 of Sphinx

Sweet Jesus.

It wasn’t her looks at all. Relatively speaking, Alexis Wyatt was a beautiful girl. The blonde hair and blue eyes combos were always a guaranteed second look. Still, no matter how pretty she might be, she still didn’t have black hair, black eyes, a biting tongue, vicious personality, and a body that made you lose all coherent thought.

Taking a deep breath to keep me from getting just pure evil, I said, “No matter how confident you are in your looks or personality, there is only one girl for me, Alexis. Plot twist, it isn’t you.”

“You do not have a girlfriend,” she scoffed. “There’s no way. Everyone would know it. You’re Fox Harrington.”

Anger, irritation, and sleeping alone last night were the reasons for what I said next. “That’s where you’re wrong,” I spat. “I do have a girlfriend. So, if I were you, I’d take that into some serious consideration.” Before she could argue further, I sealed the deal. “Because the last thing you need-any girl needs-is me telling Kincaid that you were hitting on me after I told you that I wasn’t interested.”

Those blue eyes that she was so proud of almost popped out of her head. “What?”

“That’s right.” God, it felt so good to be able to say that again, even if the details were still a little muddled. “Kincaid’s my girlfriend, and if that’s not enough for you, here’s a little more food for thought. Not only is she my girlfriend, but I’ve been in love with her for over three years.” Her eyes started blinking like the sun was shinning in her eyes. “So, while you might think highly of yourself, and while other guys would probably kill to sleep with you, you’re no Kincaid Black.”

I walked away, leaving her to chew on that little announcement, then went in search of Saxton. Not only did I need to check on him to make sure he wasn’t covered in blood from head to toe, but I also needed to tell him about this latest shitshow with Alexis. If anyone could tell me how Kincaid was going to react to me announcing our relationship, it was him.

Rounding the corner, I ran into Ross, and I wasted no time. “You seen Saxton this morning?”

He nodded, a huge grin on his face. “Yeah, and he’s fine.”

My eyes narrowed. “Why are you smiling?”

“Worried about Saxton, your girl was busy last night,” he said, and I had no idea what he was talking about.”


“She hacked into the school servers and made a copy of Remington’s schedule,” he informed me, and I could only swear under my breath. “Though Elias is on him, Elias doesn’t know which classes August is taking to help us monitor him.”

“She’s going to be the death of me,” I muttered, my decent morning going to shit.

“Hey, you’re the stupid fuck who thought dating Kincaid Black would be a good idea,” he snorted. “Dude, what were you thinking?”

I shot him a look, though he wasn’t wrong. “That she’s the best thing to ever happen to me,” I shot back. “No matter how harrowing the experience.”

The fucker laughed. “Look, Stone already gave Elias direction to intervene if it looks like Saxton might kill August,” he told me, something I should probably know but didn’t because I’ve been obsessing about Kincaid. “We’re good.”

I nodded “Okay,” I replied, letting out a ragged breath. I was pretty sure that I was losing it.

“I haven’t received a text from Alexander yet,” he said, switching topics. “Do you think we’re still on for tonight?”

“He has no choice,” I reminded him. “I’m sure we’ll get one soon.”

“What a mess,” he stated absently.

“Well, it just got worse.” His brow twitched. “Alexis just hit on me.” The poor guy couldn’t even respond to that. He just shook his head before walking towards his next class.