Page 47 of Sphinx

Chapter 25


The most peaceful sound that I’ve ever heard was the sound of Kincaid sleeping next to me. It reiterated that she trusted me. For her to be able to sleep so soundly, so comfortably, it meant that she trusted me to keep her safe while she was at her most vulnerable.

She’s probably been asleep for an hour already, and while I should be asleep with her, my mind wouldn’t shut off. No matter what Alexander said, there was no way that I was choosing another supporter. Before meeting Rylee, Stone had been planning on not selecting anyone as his supporter, so I saw no reason why I couldn’t do the same. Besides, I had picked mine and it hadn’t worked out. That wasn’t my fault. Alexis had crossed the line by violating her end of the bargain, not me.

The other solution would be to marry Kincaid. If Ross could get away without having a supporter because he was married, then that same allowance should be made for me. Still, while I had no qualms about marrying Kincaid, I knew she wasn’t ready to marry me. Hell, I wasn’t even sure that we were dating yet. Sure, she’d confirmed that we were sleeping together, but she’d never actually said the words that she was my girlfriend or that I was her boyfriend. Alexander had asked her if we were sleeping together, and she had simply said yes. My overeager ass had been so happy to hear her confirm it that I had probably read too much into her confession.

Not to mention that there were still all the secrets that she was keeping from me. I still had no idea why she’d broken up with me, and we still haven’t discussed it. Sure, even though we’ve been busy and dealing with a lot of shit, the time for a talk could have been carved out. While we’ve been fucking nonstop, there has still been some downtime in between bouts of sex. Either one of us could have brought up the subject had we really wanted to. The fact that neither of us had was not a positive thing. I felt like there was still something there that could come between us, and I wasn’t too eager to explore that just yet.

The fact of the matter was that there was still too much mental and emotional baggage between us for us to jump into anything more serious than what we were doing. If that were the case, I would have had her moved in with me already.

My phone chimed and lit up on the nightstand, and I reached over to grab it, making sure not to disturb Kincaid. She was laying across my stomach, sleeping in the most awkward position that I’d ever seen. I’d take it, though.

Looking at the screen, I saw that it was Stone and that surprised me. It was almost one in the morning, and I knew that he had classes in the morning, just like we all did.

Stone: Noticed that he didn’t mention the report?

Me: Yep

Stone: Now that he knows about u & Kincaid, plus Saxton & Kincaid, I say we play r hand

Me: I agree. Plus, I’m tired of doing nothing

I was. Granted, I knew that Saxton and Stone were feeling the irritation worse than I was, but this whole waiting-it-out went against my nature. I was a doer. We all were. We weren’t the type of guys to sit back and play it safe. I mean, I knew that murdering someone took planning if none of us wanted to end up in jail, but that knowledge still didn’t help. At the very least, one of us should have kicked his ass by now.

Stone: We’ll talk to the others tmrw

Me: How did u know I’d still be awake?

Stone: Bcuz another man tried to claim ur girl 2nite

Me: Fair enough

Stone: Catch u later

Me: Definitely

Setting the phone back on the nightstand, Kincaid’s sleep moan vibrated through the soft stillness of the darkness. I got back in position, then smoothed some strands from her face. Kincaid was a fan of wearing her hair in a bun, but it was a must when she slept. Her hair was so long that she’d joke that she’d probably strangle herself in her sleep if she ever wore it down.

Fast asleep, her breath was steady and warm against my abs, and my chest ached with how much I loved this fucking girl. I loved her enough to risk letting her gut me a second time. Truth be told, I probably loved her enough to let her keep gutting me until there was nothing left. That’s how much I loved her, even knowing that she didn’t love me back. At least, not like that.

Never like that.

As if she could hear my thoughts, her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the lack of light in the room. The only signs of light that shown in the room came from this crazy fan that she had set up in the corner of her room. Kincaid couldn’t sleep in complete quiet, so she always had the fan running to lull her to sleep.

Because my eyes were already accustomed to the dark, I could see her hand come up, her fingertips dancing across my abs. I’d taken her three times tonight, so I was surprised that she was teasing for more. Though as insatiable as we were, we still both had working brains. We knew that we needed some rest before classes in the morning.

“Why aren’t you asleep?” she asked in a drowsy whisper.

I wanted to tell her that I was making mental wedding plans, but I didn’t want to get kicked out of her bed. “Stone was texting me.” It was the truth, even if it was partly a lie.

“You guys worry too much,” she murmured against my skin. “We got this.”

Everything male in me wanted to tell her that she didn’t have shit and to let the menfolk handle the dangerous situations, but that would definitely get me kicked out of her bed more than the wedding comments would.

My thumb started rubbing her forehead, my other fingers snug inside the mass of hair on the top of her head. “Do I got you?” I asked, not wanting to talk about August.