Page 59 of Sphinx



It was past two in the morning, and I was still awake. Kincaid was with her parents, and with every decision that girl made, it just made me realize how low down on the totem pole I really was.

Sure, if I put emotion aside, I could see how her parents would want her with them while they were in town, but this night has been about nothing but emotion, so there was no setting those motherfuckers aside just yet.

While her friendship with Saxton still felt a bit bitter to my tastes, I couldn’t stop thinking about how calm she’d been when we’d all gotten there. From killing August, to being checked out by the paramedics, to being question by the police, to sitting inside the interrogation room for hours, to when I’d walked up on her and her parents hugging, Kincaid hadn’t so much as broken a sweat.

Sutton, Hastings, and even Rylee would have been a mess. At the very least, they would have clung to their husbands for comfort. There would have been something more…fragile to the situation, instead of all the men just standing around, holding their dicks, as Kincaid ran shit.

Plus, if it weren’t enough that I was feeling a bit emasculated, my parents had made it clear that we were going to have ourselves a talk in the morning. While I wasn’t sure what all my mother knew, after that talk with my father, I knew this whole Kincaid/August thing was giving him fits. My girlfriend killing an initiate placed him in a rather precarious position within the organization. Even if August’s parents faded away quietly, the situation still wasn’t ideal.

Staring up at the ceiling, I hadn’t expected my phone to ring. Everyone’s parents were here, and even if August’s death wasn’t the topic of conversation at the dinner table, there were daughters-in-law being introduced to their new in-laws.

My curiosity jumped tenfold when I saw who was calling me. “What’s up?”

“Don’t take it personal,” Saxton said, cutting to the chase. “Considering that they’ve already lost one child, they need Kincaid with them tonight more than you need her in your bed.”

I knew all about Kincaid’s older brother, though she’s never spoken to me about him. Though I’d only been fifteen at the time, the death of Apollo Black had been big news. Already committed to the organization, my father had spoken to me about a lot of things that otherwise never would have come to my attention. Apollo Black dying in a tragic accident had shaken a lot of things up, but I had never given it further thought until I had started dating Kincaid three years ago. However, whenever I would bring him up, she’d shut down like a prison at night. She would lose all the life in her eyes every time that I brought him up, so I had eventually stopped trying to get her to talk about him.

“This is about more than her just in my bed, and you know it,” I replied.

I could hear his sigh, and I imagined that it probably wasn’t an easy thing to be Kincaid Black’s best friend. “Right now, it’s all about her in your bed,” he fired back. “Until you two talk about what’s really going on, it is just sex.” His words made me feel like I couldn’t get enough air in my lungs. “Quit putting it off and talk to her, Fox. That’s the only way you’re ever going to forgive her, and that’s the only way she’s going to trust you.”

“She doesn’t need to trust me for anything, she has you,” I snapped, letting my jealousy shine.

Saxton didn’t immediately reply. However, after a few seconds passed, he said, “Don’t say that I didn’t try to warn you.” What the fuck did that mean? “If this all blows up in your face, just remember that I was on your side once.”

“She called you,” I reminded him, putting it all out there.

“Yeah, she did,” he replied. “But instead of focusing on why she called me, ask yourself why she didn’t call you.” Another sigh. “Talk to her, Fox. If you don’t…just talk to her.” He hung up before I could say anything more.

Too twisted up in my mind to pick apart his warning, I shot off a text, even though it was so late.

Me: U should be here with me

Kincaid: I know I should

Dropping my phone, I wished I had never texted her.

The End.

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