Page 20 of Basilisk

“Not a problem,” I easily agreed, not caring how pissed off Fox might get. Again, I’ll always choose Kincaid. Jerking my head towards Hastings, I added, “But she’s coming, too.”

“What?” Hastings gasped. “I’m not leaving.”

I turned to face her. “The fuck you’re not,” I informed her. “You’re out of your mind if you think that I’m going to take Kincaid home and leave you here alone.”

Her back straightened at that. “I’m a grown woman,” she shot back. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“You can come peacefully or kicking and screaming,” I told her. “I don’t really care which, but you are leaving with us.”

“The hell I am,” she practically yelled.

“Wait.” I turned back towards Kincaid, and since she knew me best, she knew that I wasn’t fucking around. “F…Fox can…can take me home.”

“Or you can stay,” I replied, letting her know that she didn’t have to go with him if she really didn’t want to.

Her brows jumped as she jerked a thumb Fox’s way. “With him acting this way? Yeah, no thanks.”

“Or Fox can stay with me, and you can take Kincaid home,” Hastings suggested, and by the way all three of our heads turned her way, it was clear that she had no idea that there was history between Kincaid and Fox.

“Not happening,” I said, saving both Kincaid and Fox from having to get too personal. “Fox can take Kincaid home, and if you’re not leaving with us, then I’m staying.”

“Why?” she hissed, clearly annoyed with me.

“Because you look like you’re trolling for dick,” I snapped.

Credit to Hastings courage, because after arching a brow, she said, “Maybe I am.”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Fox announced. “I’m taking this one home. You…you do whatever you need to do with that one.”

Kincaid took exception to that. “Look, Harrington,” she snarled. “Just because I’m going peacefully doesn’t mean shit. Don’t push it.”

“Really? This is you going peacefully, Black?” he clapped back.

“I can always have someone else take me home,” she threatened, and it was everything I could do not to interfere. She and Fox needed to work their own shit out.

“Do it,” he dared her. “Go find some asshole dumb enough to try to take you home in front of me and see what happens.”

Kincaid smirked, turned her back on us, but she only got one foot in before Fox had her thrown over his shoulder.

My argument with Hastings was put on hold as we both watched Fox Harrington storm out of Drummond Markle’s party with a raging, cursing, violent Kincaid Black hanging over his shoulder.

Tomorrow was going to be a shitshow.

When they were finally out of sight, I turned back to Hastings. “So, you’re trolling for dick, are you?”

She bristled a bit, clearing having forgotten that she’d been arguing with me. “It’s not your business, Saxton.”

Leaning into her personal space, I said, “It is now.”