Page 22 of Basilisk

“It depends on what you’re offering,” I countered.

His thumb rubbed back and forth on my soft skin, and I was soaked with the sensation. While I’ve had a couple of one-night stands in my time, my arrangement with Scott had made me comfortable, and it’s been a while since I’ve gone looking for some action.

It’s also been a while since my body has felt on fire like this.

“You might not be willing to take what I’m offering,” he replied cryptically.

While his words should be making me wary, I’ve been craving this guy for way too long, and it was making me stupid enough to throw caution to the wind.

So stupid.

“What are you offering?” I asked, all good sense gone in favor of some hot sex.

His hand slid back over my hipbone and grabbed my ass again. “If we do this, no more Scott North,” he stated, and my entire body trembled with the possessiveness in his voice. Squeezing my ass cheek, he added, “If we do this, your ass is mine, Hastings. Along with the rest of your delectable body, this ass is mine.”

I had no problems with that.

“Okay,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. “Okay.”

His grey eyes narrowed. “I mean it, Hastings,” he growled. “It’s not my dick talking. If we do this, no other guys.”

I could do that. However, could he? “What about other girls?”

He pulled me tighter against him, his hard dick still poking at me. “Does that feel like I want other girls?”

I shook my head, but I wasn’t naïve. “It feels like it’s hard for me tonight.”

The corner of his lush lips curled a bit. “If you only knew, baby.”


“Let’s go to my pla-”

Doing something that I’ve never done before, I let my desire for Saxton make my second bad decision for the night. “I can’t wait,” I told him. “I want you now.”

His eyes flared again, and I couldn’t tell if he was turned on or thought I was a whore. Either way, I didn’t care right now. I felt like I’ve been on a diet for two years, and I’d been given permission to finally be able to eat whatever I wanted.

“You want me to fuck you right here in front of everyone?” he growled, and while I would never do it, the act would be primal enough that it had me gushing.

I shook my head. “No,” I panted, so turned on, his hand still kneading my ass. “But we could-oh…”

Anything else that I might have suggested was quickly cut off as Saxton grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. I’ve been to Drummond’s house parties a few times, so I knew exactly where Saxton was leading me.

Weaving our way through the crowded party, Saxton didn’t stop until we were behind the kitchen and near the washroom. Drummond has been renting this place since our freshman year of school, so I knew he didn’t care what went on in this place as long as nothing was damaged. However, I suspected that Saxton also knew what I did in this moment. The party has been going on long enough that the bedrooms were probably all occupied, so that left limited options since I’d told him I didn’t want to wait.

Finding the door unlocked, Saxton ushered me into the service restroom, then quickly locked the door behind him. Sure, this wasn’t ideal or even romantic, but I’d made my demands and Saxton was just giving me what I’d asked for. I was standing in the middle of the bathroom, still doubtful, but still very turned on.

Staring back at me, he asked, “Are you sure about this, Hastings?” He glanced around the tiny room. “It’s not exactly what most girls dream of.”

I had to laugh. “I think most girls dream of having you any way they can get you, so I think you’re wrong there.”

“Have you dreamt of having me any way you can get me?” he asked, slowly walking my way.

So many damn times.