Page 25 of Basilisk

Chapter 14


Okay, sneaking out of Saxton Voss’ bed was probably not the most dignified moment of my life, but I’d fallen in love last night, and I had desperately wanted to avoid the morning-after awkwardness. My crush on Saxton had turned into a full-blown obsession after the third time we’d had sex, and I was self-aware enough to recognize that I have lost my mind.

So, now I was sitting in the kitchen, freshly showered, a cup of hot coffee in my hands, though coffee wasn’t my thing. However, I needed the caffeine to clear my head. I’d only gotten about four hours of sleep total, and even though I should be used to it by now, what with college being what it was, I’ve never spent all night getting the holy hell fucked out of me.

I was tired.

Debating a second cup, I heard the pitter-patter of Kincaid’s bare feet making their way towards the kitchen. Her entire condo was hardwood floor, except for the bedrooms. She had a couple of throw rugs littering the floor, but that was it.

“Oh, thank God,” she muttered. “Coffee.” She completely ignored me until after she had poured herself a cup of the hot addictive. “Wait. Why is there coffee made?”

“I needed a cup,” I admitted.

Kincaid leaned back against the counter, her hands cradling her mug, eyeing me. “Why?” Her head tilted a bit. “You very rarely drink coffee.”

“It was a long night,” I told her. I was sitting at the kitchen island, doing my best to maintain eye contact with the girl.

She took a sip of her coffee, her brows high on her forehead, before saying, “I see.”

Setting my cup down, I groaned loud enough to suggest that I was in some sort of pain or something. “I’m so embarrassed.”

Kincaid let out a small chuckle. “Why?”

This time, my brows jumped high. “Do you really want to know all the dirty details?”

She scowled. “Of course, not,” she replied. “Even if you didn’t hook up with Saxton, I’m not a sharing-the-details kind of friend.”

My shoulders dropped, and I let out a sad laugh. “I know you’re not.” Kincaid was very private, so she respected other people’s privacy in return.

“I just want to know why you’re embarrassed,” she said before taking another sip of her coffee.

“He offered to take me to his place, but…I…” I let out a deep breath. “I told him I couldn’t wait and let him screw me in one of the bathrooms at Drummond’s.”

There was no judgement on her face as she asked, “Who?”

It was a fair question. She knew that I had that arrangement with Scott, and the last that she’d seen of me and Saxton, we’d been arguing, so I wasn’t offended by her question.

“Saxton,” I confessed. “I…I had sex with Saxton Voss. Your Saxton Voss.”

Her lips twitched. “Well, seeing as there’s only one Saxton Voss, I kind of guessed that already.”

My arms lifted and dropped with dramatic flair. “This isn’t funny, Kincaid.”

This time, she grinned. “Okay, okay,” she quickly rushed out just to humor me. “It’s not funny. But…it’s not the end of the world, either.”

“Aren’t you upset?”

Her head jerked back. “Why would I be mad?” she asked, surprise on her face. “Saxton’s a grown man. Plus, though it’s been a few years, you’re not the first of my friends that he’s ever hooked up with.” She shrugged with indifference. “It’s really no big deal.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “It…it seems rather tacky to not have talked to you about it first.”

“Look, I know that you’ve like Saxton for a while now,” she said, shocking me. “And generally speaking, what’s not to like. The guy might be my best friend, but I’m not blind. He’s gorgeous.”

Now I was really embarrassed. “How do you know that I’ve liked him?”

She smiled softly at me. “Hastings, you are one of the most confident, secure, lively, and friendliest people I know,” she said. “But every time Saxton has ever tried to talk to you, you would either turn into a shy wallflower, or rudely ignore him. For a while there, I thought you really didn’t like him.” She set her coffee cup down beside her on the counter. “It wasn’t until recently that I realized that it wasn’t that you didn’t like him, but that it was because you did like him.”