Page 29 of Basilisk

Chapter 16


It was Monday morning, classes going strong, and everything seemed to be on track. Nothing untoward was going on, and I’d even woken up early enough to get some food in my belly.

So, why was I having a crappy day?

It could have been because I haven’t heard from Saxton since I’d snuck out on him Sunday morning, or it could have been because I was stupid. Both options were possibilities. However, I was putting my money on being stupid. I’d had Saxton Voss right where I’ve been dreaming of having him, and like a panicked idiot, I’d ran when the sun had come up.

I had twenty minutes between classes, so instead of moping about Saxton Voss, I had pulled out my notes for my next class, working my best to get my head in the educational game.

However, it must not have been working because a raised voice had quickly distracted me.

“You better get your shit together, August,” a female voice hissed. “I am not going to end up like Jennifer.”

“Will you shut the fuck up, Laney,” August hissed back. “Keep your fucking mouth shut and you won’t end up like Jennifer.”

“Oh, yeah?” she scoffed. “Well, what happened to Stone? You said it would all work out. You said I’d have him.”

I only knew one person named Stone, and that was Stone Lexington. I also only knew one person named August, and that was August Remington. Doing the math, the girl could only be Laney Spinner.

A few weeks ago, there’d been a huge falling out between Rylee Madden and her roommate Laney. The only reason that I knew this was because Rylee had come over one night to ask Kincaid for some help with something. I wasn’t sure what had all come of it because it’d been none of my business and Rylee and I hadn’t been friends, but whatever happened, Rylee Madden was now Rylee Lexington, and the entire world knew it. I also knew that Kincaid’s been hanging around with Rylee a lot these days.

“How the fuck was I supposed to know they’d get married like that?” he snapped. “Had you not fucked up the plan, we would still have had some time.”

“Me?” Laney screeched. “You’re blaming me for not being able to seal the deal?”

“Watch yourself, Laney,” August warned. “They’re not the only people in all this that can ruin you.”

“Fuck you, August,” she spat. “I’ve got too much dirt on you to be scared of you.”

“Do you, though?” he taunted. “What do you have, Laney? It’s your word against mine, and don’t you ever forget it.”

“So, what’s the endgame, August?” Laney asked. “They’re married now. If you didn’t have a chance with Rylee before, do you honestly think you have one with her now? She’s in love with Stone.”

“She’s not in love with Stone!” he yelled at her before lowering his voice again. “She’s confused. She got roped into this and doesn’t know what she’s doing.”

“You are insane if you think she’s not in love with him,” Laney countered. “Anyone with working eyes can see those two are in love with each other. You’re the only one who refuses to see the truth.”

“Mind your own business and do what you’re told, Laney,” August replied. “Leave the rest to me.”

“It’s your funeral,” she returned snidely. “Stone Lexington is going to kill you if you keep going after his wife.”

“Quit calling her that,” he growled. “I already told you that she doesn’t know what she’s doing.”

“That’s not true,” Laney argued. “But even if it were, it doesn’t make her any less married to the guy. Rylee is his wife, August. Get over it already.”

“Just stick to the plan, Laney,” he shot back.

A few seconds went by before I finally let out a deep breath. A deep breath that I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding.

What in the hell?

Quickly gathering up all my stuff, I fired off a text to Kincaid. I wasn’t sure if she was in class or not, but I’d just have to wait for her response if she was. However, I received a text within twenty seconds. Texting her to meet me by my car, I made my way to the student parking lot.

I wasn’t sure why, but things felt…urgent. I felt like I’d just overheard something important, even though it was clearly none of my business. I wasn’t friends with Stone or Rylee Lexington for me to take such a personal interest. Still, I was friends with Kincaid, and they were her friends, so that automatically put me on team Stone and Rylee.

There was also the tone of August’s voice that had me concerned. There was just something in the way that he spoke about Rylee that didn’t sound normal or healthy. What kind of man still thought he had a chance with a woman after she married someone else? And what was all that talk about her just being confused and getting roped into marrying Stone?