Page 38 of Basilisk

“Saxton…” It was a barely audible plea, but I knew he heard me.

His dick was still hard inside of me when he warned, “I’m wrecking you for any man who isn’t me, Hastings.”

Little did he know that he already had.

Countless hours, countless positions, countless orgasms, and one health talk later, I had passed out, not sure how long I’d been asleep for. True to his word, my entire body hurt, and I had no desire to get up out of bed.

However, even if I had wanted to, the heavy masculine arm draped over my waist wasn’t letting me go anywhere.

It felt good, though.

Everything about this felt good.

“Go back to sleep, baby,” Saxton mumbled against the back of my neck. “If you don’t, I’m fucking you again.” His arm tightened around my waist, and it was hot as hell.

My thigh clenched with the threat, and it was safe to assume that I was done for. I officially belonged to Saxton Voss for however long he wanted me.


“Mm…what, baby?”

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on with August and Laney?” I asked. “The truth? All of it?”

“I can’t,” he replied, and my heart skipped a beat.

So much for feeling special.

However, before I could get swallowed up by my insecurities, he added, “It’s not only my story to tell. I need to make sure everyone’s okay with me telling you.”

That put a different spin on things. Saxton keeping something from me was different from Saxton keeping someone else’s secrets.


“I’m warning you, Hastings,” he growled. “I’m not going to care how sore you are in a minute.”

I chuckled softly. If he only knew that I didn’t really care how sore I was, either. “Are you my boyfriend?” I asked. “Like, I can officially change-my-relationship-status boyfriend?”

Saxton quickly had me on my back, his weight supported on his elbows. Those silver eyes of his narrowed in annoyance. “Since you seem to still be confused, how about I just put a ring on your finger already, and call it a day?”


“I guess it’s more dick for you until the jewelry store opens,” he growled, and I was done for.

I was officially in love with Saxton Voss after only a few days.