Page 44 of Basilisk

She stepped back from me. “Will you focus?” she snapped. “We’re in the middle of a crisis here.”

“Hastings, we are not in the middle of a crisis. We’re in the middle of a misunderstanding,” I corrected her.

“Yeah, says you,” she fired back. “You’re not the one who just offended her roommate.”

“Kincaid’s not offended,” I assured her. “It’s hard to offend Kincaid because she doesn’t care what people think.”

“Then why did she just leave and not work it out with me?”

“Because she’s waiting to talk to me, Hastings,” I told her. “Kincaid won’t make her next move until she’s spoken to me. She’ll always do what’s best for me, and she doesn’t know what that is right now because I haven’t told her how I feel about you yet.”

“And how do you feel?” she asked quietly.

“Well, if you weren’t in the middle of an emotional tirade, I would have told you that I love you, too,” I replied dryly.

She bristled. “You’re a dick.”

I grinned. “That’s not the first time I’ve heard that.”

“Saxton, I’m serious,” she whispered. “I feel awful.”

I reached out and gathered her up in my arms. Rubbing her back, I said, “Baby, there’s one thing that Kincaid Black does not do and that’s play games. If you ruined things, you’d be the first to know it. Kincaid didn’t text me to tell me to dump you or talk shit about you or rattle off about your conversation. She texted me that you were upset and to get my ass over here and make it right. She even made it a point to be gone, so I could do just that.”

“I don’t deserve her as a friend,” Hastings mumbled into my chest.

“If it’s any consolation, no one does,” I told her. “Kincaid’s one of a kind. However, here’s the thing.” I pulled back, so I could look her in her beautiful, troubled, sad hazel eyes. “If there ever comes a point where I have to choose between you and Kincaid, whoever is making me choose is the one who will be in the wrong, Hastings. Kincaid is my best friend, but you’re the woman I love. You’re the one who is going to marry me and have my children one day. If you can’t distinguish the difference between those two relationships, then we need to sit down and have a serious talk.”

“No,” she grumbled. “I was just…I think I was just jealous of never having someone like that in my life. I let…I let that envy speak for me, and I’m sorry. I would never put you in a position to have to choose between us, Saxton. I swear.”

I kissed her on her forehead. “Good,” I replied. “However, I’d never let you put me in that position. If you and Kincaid ever did get your dicks tangled up, I’d make you guys work it out. Nothing else is an option in my life.”

“I’m sorry,” she muttered again. “I was just…being a stupid girl.”

“Luckily, I’m in love with you,” I told her. “Normally, I’m not attracted to stupid.”

Hastings arms wrapped around me tighter. “I’ll make it right. I promise.”

“I know a way you can make it up to me,” I smirked.

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re not the one who I wronged,” she pointed out.

“Technically, Kincaid and I are a package deal, so if you wronged her, then it stands to reason that you wronged me,” I lied. “So, I think letting me get a quick one in before your class is a great way to make it up to me.”

She choked out a laugh. “You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?”

“Good thing you have two hands, baby,” I teased.

“Yeah, I suppose it is,” she teased back

She also missed her class.