Page 46 of Basilisk

Just when I was sure I was going to pass out from the pain, I heard the ugliest snarl erupt from my attacker’s lips. “You’re lucky there’s only one girl I want,” he spat. “Or else I’d send you back to Voss with a wrecked cunt.”

Even though I knew I couldn’t speak, I still tried. “I…wh…”

“Next time, you should be more careful of the company you keep,” he snarled right before I felt a kick to my ribs.

A few seconds later, the glare of the headlights were no more, and I was shrouded in darkness, not sure if anyone could even see me on this side of my car. I had no idea where my purse was, but I knew that I needed to find it. I needed to call Saxton. Even though 911 should be the first thing on my list, this had been personal. The fact that he mentioned Saxton was insane. No one in their right mind would go up against Saxton Voss. I couldn’t help but think that it’d been August Remington who’d done this. He was the only person that I knew Saxton had issues with. Granted, I didn’t know much about what Saxton had going on with other people, but that’s all I knew right now.

I rolled over and tried to push myself up on my knees, but it hurt too much, and the blood streaming down over my left eye was a problem. So, rolling onto my back, I let the blood drip down the sides of my face, instead of over my eye. Doing my best to remain calm and assess the situation, I knew my injuries were bad enough that Saxton was going to have to be my second phone call. I needed to go to a hospital, no matter how much I didn’t want to. The only good thing about it was the fact that I was an adult. They wouldn’t need to contact my parents unless I was at death’s door, and the pain radiating all over my body was proof enough that I wasn’t dying. It was too intense, and it wasn’t fading or anything like that.

I wasn’t sure how long I laid on my back, but I knew I couldn’t just lay here and wait to be rescued. Against all the pain wracking my body, I crawled my way towards the back of my car, searching for my purse or phone.

A few agonizing feet away, I saw my purse near my car’s back tire, and I ignored the pain threatening to level me. As soon as I grabbed it, I unzipped it and reached inside for my phone.

“Nine, one, one,” the operator answered. “What is your emergency?”

“I…” God, my chest hurt.

“Hello?” she called out. “Is there someone there?”

“I…I ne….ed an…an amb…help.”

She must have sensed something, because gone was the customary questioning. “Honey, can you tell me where you’re at?”

A handful of words were all I got out before blackness finally made the pain go away.