Page 48 of Basilisk

“Yeah, babe?”

“I need you to pull over into the Swiftly Clean Car Wash parking lot,” Kincaid instructed.

My entire body turned cold. “Why?”

“Do it, Saxton,” she ordered.

Luckily, the light turned green, and I was able to pull into the parking lot with no problem. As soon as I was parked, I said, “Okay, I’m parked.”

“I’ve never lied to you, Saxton,” she said. “So, I need you to remember that, okay?”

More than cold, my blood was icing over. “What the fuck is going on, Kincaid?”

“I found Hastings,” she said.


“She’s going to be okay, Sax-”

My hand gripped the phone so tightly that it was a wonder I wasn’t shattering it. “What the fuck happened?”

“She was attacked, Saxton,” she answered. “A few blocks from our place.”

Rage, fear, and helplessness were all warring inside my body right now. “What do you mean, she was attacked?”

“Someone beat her up pretty badly, Saxton,” Kincaid admitted. “They’re putting her into an ambulance now.”

Everything major organ in my body ceased to work. This could not be happening. While there was real crime in Serenity Springs, random attacks weren’t part of the scheme of things here. Sadly, our crime revolved around the same crimes that always hit college campuses. Unfortunately, if reported, rape was the biggest offense this town had to deal with. I couldn’t recall many random attacks happening during all the years I’ve been at Hales.

I wasn’t sure how long I let my emotions control my actions, but I eventually got control of myself. “Where are they taking her?”

“Cedar Memorial,” she answered. “I’m right behind her, Saxton. I promise.”


“I promise,” she repeated. “I got you. I won’t let her out of my sight. Just…get there as quickly as you can, okay?”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she replied. “And I’ve never let you down before, right? I’m not about to now, Saxton. I’ll see you there.”

Kincaid hung up, and I was already putting my car in reverse when the possibility of it being August really invaded my mind. So, as I pulled out of the parking lot, I called Stone. If this was August’s doing, then we all needed to be there to hear Hastings’ account of what happened.

“What’s up?” he answered, and I was just thankful that Rylee hadn’t had him wrapped up in bed. Stone was hard to get a hold of when Rylee was in need of him.

“Hastings was attacked,” I said, no preamble or wasting time “I’m on my way to Cedar Memorial.”

“We’ll be right there,” he replied quickly. “I’ll call the guys.”


Hanging up, I broke every traffic law that I needed to in order to get to Cedar in record time. If ever there was a time that I’d blatantly abuse my money and last name, it was now. Nothing mattered but getting to Hastings.

Pulling into the front parking lot of the hospital, I had managed to find a parking spot up front, and I made a note to thank God for that later. Right now, I needed to get to Hastings.

I raced into the emergency lobby, knowing that the ER was where the ambulance would have admitted her. As soon as the automatic doors swooshed closed behind me, I saw Kincaid at the reception desk.

The girl looked spiting mad.