Page 50 of Basilisk

Chapter 26


When I came to, I’d been inside an ambulance, and it had all gone downhill from there. While I knew everyone had just been doing their best to help me, being poked, prodded, examined, and moved around had been hell. Shit was being stitched up at the same time other shit was being bandaged up. The worst of it had been the bruised ribs, but everything else wasn’t looking pretty, either.

There’d also been the guilt at being given the VIP treatment when other patients hadn’t had that luxury. Apparently, Saxton had promised everyone’s wrath if I wasn’t taken care of, and it had been enough that the hospital has been treating me like the Queen of England.

Still, between the beating, the ambulance ride over, the doctors, the nurses, the police, the anxiety of hiding all this from my parents, and the endless hours of questions and exams, you’d think that I’d be passed out from exhaustion.

However, I wasn’t.

Instead of resting, passed out from a crapload of meds, I was in a private hospital room, and I wasn’t alone.


Kincaid and Saxton were here, though I had expected that. However, I hadn’t expected Fox Harrington, Ross Carmichael, and Stone Lexington to be crowding my hospital room. Still, there they were, and they were crowding the shit out of it. Granted, they were all tall, big guys, but I imagined that it was their reputations and commanding natures that were making the room feel stifled.

There was also the fact that I didn’t know these guys, but I was expected to retell what happened in front of them. I knew it had to do with whatever was going on between Saxton and August Remington, but it still felt strange since I didn’t know these guys.

“Okay, Hastings,” Kincaid said softly. “We’ve waited patiently enough.”

I let out a deep sigh, and Saxton grabbed my hand, holding on tight. “Just tell us what happened, baby.” His voice sounded calm, but I knew he wasn’t. The man’s been yelling and barking orders and demands since he got here.

At any rate, with Kincaid on one side of my bed, Saxton on the other, and Ross, Stone, and Fox all gathered around the foot of my bed, I told them what happened. I didn’t leave anything out, and even told them what the guy had said in vulgar detail.

When I was finished telling them everything, Stone looked furious. “It has to be Remington.”

“I’m going to kill that sonofabitch,” Saxton growled as he stood up and began pacing the room. “I’m going to fucking kill the bastard.”


The guy shot me a look that would make me cower if I wasn’t so sure that he’d never hurt me. “Do not Saxton me, Hastings,” he snapped. “Look at you.”

“Saxton, you can’t just go around killing people,” I pointed out.

“Wanna bet?” he fired back, and he sounded so damn serious that I believed him.

“Killing is too good for the bastard,” Fox chimed in. “I say we take the motherfucker and torture him for a few days before sending him off to Hell.”

“I’m down with that,” Ross quickly agreed, and I was confused more now than ever.

“Did you tell the police what he said to you?” Kincaid asked.

I shook my battered head. “No,” I admitted. “I…since this had something to do with Saxton, I didn’t think it’d be a good idea.”

“Good,” she replied simply.

I glanced around the room, and it was clear that everyone was pissed, only I had no idea why. I mean, I knew why Saxton was pissed, and I knew why Kincaid was pissed, but I had no idea what Stone, Fox, and Stone had to do with any of this. Still, whatever this was, it was big.

Clearing my throat a bit, I asked, “Does anyone want to tell me what’s going on?”

The silence was loud as hell, but finally, Kincaid said, “She deserves to know.” I shot her a grateful look, but she was busy staring down the angry mountains in my room. “I’d say she’s paid her dues, don’t you?”

“Babe, calm down-”

Kincaid jumped up out of her chair. “I’m not going to fucking calm down, Saxton,” she snapped. “I’m tired of that sonofabitch hiding behind the organization, and the organization letting him.”

“Kincaid.” It was his only reply, but he said her name in a way that had me wary. He was putting her in check, and I was dying to know the reason behind it.