They spread out and advanced on the Starbucks that Tyler had mentioned in his text. When they arrived it only took a few seconds to see that neither teenager was there.

Wingo said, “They’ve already got them.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” said Michelle.

“The hell we don’t. They’ve got my kid. Shit!” He slumped against a wall and put a hand over his face.

Sean put a hand on Wingo’s shoulder. “We’ll get him back, Sam. We just need to keep calm and think of a way.”

“I can’t think straight. Not with Tyler…”

“Which is exactly what they want to happen,” observed Michelle.

“Let’s continue this discussion outside,” advised Sean.

They returned to Michelle’s truck and climbed inside.

Sean was in the passenger seat and Wingo in the rear. He turned to look at Wingo.

“Assuming they have Tyler, they’ll contact you to make a deal.”

“Right, me for Tyler.”

“That’s what they’ll offer.”

“And that’s what we’ll give them. Tyler goes free. There’s no debating that. And Kathy too if they have her.”

“They may not want that. They might want you both.”

“Tyler knows nothing about any of this.”

“They can’t be sure of that. They might be afraid you told him something.”

“Look, I’m just the scapegoat. They’re planning to dump this whole thing in my lap.”

Sean said, “But they can’t count on that working perfectly. Tyler is insurance.”

Michelle said, “What did you see over there in Afghanistan?”

“A bunch of guys. They flashed CIA creds. The leader’s name was Tim Simons. At least that was on his ID. They said the plan had changed. That I was to turn over the cargo to them.”

“How did you get away?”

“The truck was wired with explosives, and I had the detonator set with the button depressed. If they shot me, my finger would release.”

“And boom,” said Sean. “Idiot switch.”

Wingo nodded.

“So you could recognize him? This Simons guy?” asked Michelle.

“Yeah. But I also already told that to my superior.”

“Colonel Leon South?” said Sean.


“What else?”