“I had a contact over there who helped get me out of the Middle East and back here. He told me that there might be a connection with the missing cash and Heron Air Service.”

“Which was why you were staking out the place at Dulles,” noted Michelle.

“That’s right. That’s when I saw one of the guys who jumped me in Afghanistan come out of the Heron Air Service building.” Wingo slapped his thigh. “I forgot.”

“Forgot what?” asked Michelle.

“When I was tailing the guy from Heron, he drove into D.C. and went into the offices of the Vista Trading Group, like I said. When he left there I followed him. But then I picked up a tail and had to shake it. Only did so by the skin of my teeth.”

“So they know you’re on to them. That you know of the connection to Vista and Heron. That alone was enough to get you on their hit list, Sam,” concluded Sean.

“I guess so,” said Wingo glumly.

Sean looked at Michelle. “Do we call in the Feds on this? If the kids have been kidnapped?”

“No! If you do that they’ll just kill them, Sean,” said Wingo. “This is not a simple kidnapping. The stakes are a lot higher. These guys are not concerned with ransom money. They want me. Like you said, collateral damage means nothing to them.”

“Then the question becomes what do we do when they make their demand,” said Sean.

“We have to make sure that when I give myself up, Tyler and Kathy get out of there safely,” said Wingo.

“Easier said than done,” observed Michelle.

“But there are ways,” said Sean. “And the ideal plan would be to walk away with all three of you safe.”

“When do you think they’ll call?” asked Wingo.

“Not right away. They’ll want to make you sweat. Think about the consequences of noncompliance.”

“But that will give us some time to prepare,” noted Michelle.

“Yes it will,” said Sean. “And we need to put that time to good use.”

“Are you guys expert with kidnapping situations?” asked Wingo.

Sean and Michelle exchanged a glance. “Suffice it to say, this won’t be our first time,” said Sean.

Michelle put her truck in gear and they drove off.



“WHOEVER YOU ARE, YOU’RE NOT with the FBI!” yelled Tyler.

Tyler and Kathy sat bound and blindfolded in chairs.

Alan Grant sat across from them. “It’s more complicated than that.”

“You’re bad guys,” said Tyler angrily. “You set up my dad.”

“But he’s back now. He was with you. That’s good news, right?”

“You’re trying to kill him.”

“You’re wrong.”

“That’s bullcrap.”