
He struggled to his knees. “Go. Go. Finish the plan. I’m okay.”

She looked at the rip in his body armor where the slug had hit.

“Are you sure?”

He grimaced, one hand pressed against his chest. “Michelle, just get them out of here! Now!”

She squeezed his arm, leaped up, grabbed Megan and Roy by the wrist, and shouted, “With me, now.”

They raced off across the Mall, fighting their way through the screaming crowd that was now running flat-out in all directions.

Harkes finally spotted her and tenaciously fought through the crowd to get to the woman.

Kelly Paul’s broad back was to him. He was inches away.


She turned, saw him, raised her gun, and fired.

The man behind Harkes grunted once as the rubber bullet hit him smack in the chest. He fell forward, and the gun he was about to fire at Harkes slipped from his hand.

Paul joined Harkes. He looked down at the fallen man as FBI agents ran up and cuffed the injured fellow.

“Thanks,” Harkes said.

“I think he spotted you taking out Quantrell’s boys and realized what you were really up to.”

She pointed to her left. “I got two more of them. The FBI has them as well.”

Harkes nodded and held up his Taser. “I got two. Plus the two with Riley. That’s five more to go, then,” he said. “We’ve got the Mall locked down. They can’t get away.”

“Where did that first shot come from?” she asked.

“No idea. But it didn’t help us a damn bit. Your brother? Riley?”

“On schedule. Where’s Bunting?”

He pointed across the street where two FBI agents had escorted the man to safety.

“Good job,” she said.

“Been after these folks a long time. Things could have blown up at any point along the way.”

“But they didn’t.”

“Good working with you again,” said Harkes.

“Couldn’t have managed it without you, Jim.”

Michelle, with Megan and Roy in tow, pushed and clawed her way through the panicked crowds. She finally saw a sliver of daylight and pulled them through it.

Roy shouted, “Look out!”

It was an unnecessary warning. Michelle had already seen it coming. She let go of his arm, twisted her body in the air, and laid the attacker out flat on his back with a thunderous kick, breaking his jaw.

“My God,” said Roy, staring down at the fallen man who weighed about two-fifty. “How did you do that?”