“I’ve got brains in my feet,” she barked. “Come on. Move, move!”

They sprinted across the Mall. A few seconds later, they reached the van. Michelle fired up the engine and slammed it into gear.

Edgar Roy looked back at the chaos on the Mall.

“Didn’t go exactly according to plan,” he said.

“Almost never does,” replied Michelle as the van sped off. “But we’re alive, that I’ll take.” She glanced in the rearview mirror. “Megan, are you okay?”

Megan sat up in the seat and pushed her ratty hair out of her eyes. “I am now. I didn’t think I was going to make it.” She rubbed at her swollen wrists. “They beat the crap out of me.”

“I know. We found your sweater with blood on it.”

Megan touched her shoulder. “Knife,” she said simply.

“But you’re okay?”

“They just needed some blood to leave behind to make sure you knew they were serious. And I got really toughened up over the last few days,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry about Officer Dobkin.” She drew a long breath. “It was pretty damn awful. They kicked in the door and just shot him. He never had a chance to pull his weapon.”

“I know. But at least you’re safe,” said Michelle.

Megan looked at Roy. “I’m glad they got you out.” She held out her hand. “Nice to finally meet you.”

Roy shook her hand and said shyly, “You too. Sorry about before. Not communicating with you and all.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Megan. “All I want right now is a hot shower and some clean clothes.”

“Got just the place and it’s close by,” said Michelle. “Be there in five minutes.”

Megan looked behind them and said in a panicked tone, “Michelle, I think there’s someone following us.”

“There is. FBI. They’ll provide perimeter security at the safe house. Later, when everything is over, we’ll go to WFO. They’ll need detailed statements from you, Megan.”

“More than happy to give them.” She smiled. “But can I have the shower first?”

“You got it.”

They drove on. The black SUV tailing them sped up and drew closer.



QUANTRELL’S TWELVE MEN were all subdued, cuffed, and hauled away in FBI transport vans. The participants in the peace rally probably thought the gunshot was from some jerk that didn’t share their enthusiasm for a less violent world. The crowd had congregated at the far end of the Mall, away from the less than peaceful activity.

Sean, Kelly Paul, Bunting, and James Harkes met in the middle of the Mall. Sean was listing to one side.

“How bad?” said Paul, as she looked at the hole in his body armor.

“Bruised rib, but it’s a lot better than being dead.”

“You saved Eddie’s life,” she said, gripping his arm.

Harkes said, “They obviously didn’t fill me in on the entire plan. Didn’t know they were going to do that.”

Paul said, “Might have just been someone looking to get a kill bonus.”

“How’d you spot the shooter before anyone else did?” asked Harkes.